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Tear Jerker / Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

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As the Grand Finale of the original DigiDestined team, it only makes sense that this film will make you cry.
Bring tissues.

  • "To Sora" reveals that Sora wants to move away from being a DigiDestined after being one for the majority of her life, so much that she practically never participates in their group chat. After Biyomon brings her flowers, she begins to cry, as she feels trapped between both decisions, which is relatable for people going through life-changing events. While Sora is not actively seen in Last Evolution Kizuna proper, the film reveals that she was the first of them to get the timer and never told anyone. She does seem to be aware of what's going on, as she refuses to let Biyomon fight in favor of staying with her.
  • While everyone takes this news hard, Matt is the first to really show his pain. He's so distraught when the news first hits he doesn't even go to sleep, working in "Crisis Mode" as he puts it to Gabumon who tries to get him to take a break.
  • When Tai went to visit Menoa, due to the rainy weather outside the building, one can spot the raindrops' shadow flowing down "on her face". It was like Menoa is symbolically crying but did not show it, still keeping the pain to herself at that time.
  • After Omnimon falls apart in the group's first encounter with Eosmon, Menoa reveals that because the DigiDestined are starting to grow up, they will be forced to separate from their Digimon partners. Tai is hit hard when he sees a timer on his Digivice. Neither T.K. nor Izzy have been affected, but Matt reacts strongly when he sees a timer on his, so much that he runs out of Izzy's office.
  • While Agumon finding Tai's "magazines" is initially a funny moment, it quickly takes a downer tone in mood as Tai unintentionally reminds himself that he's growing up.
    Tai: Only grown-ups can look! [He quickly grumbles, growing silent as he realized the meaning of what he just said]
  • During the final battle, it's downright horrifying seeing a character as powerful as Omnimon thrown around like a ragdoll and unable to fight back against Eosmon's Mega form, and it quickly becomes depressing when he's down an arm and a leg and still tries to fight back, only to quickly be shot down once more and reduced to a severely injured Agumon and Gabumon.
  • IMMEDIATELY after this, Tai and Matt try to get to their injured Digimon, only to be held back by the de-aged DigiDestined, and shortly after being beaten down by their Digimon. Tai's heartbroken and betrayed reaction to his friends, including his own sister, staring him down before trying to kill him with the brainwashed intent to retain their childhood only makes the situation more heartbreaking.
    Tai: [As he's seeing all the controlled DigiDestined and their Digimon staring him down] ...but why...?
  • Menoa's past, as revealed near the end of the film, shows that after securing a scholarship to attend university and skipping grades, she has decided what she wants to do with her life. However, even though she's still a teenager and within the age limit of keeping a Digimon partner, the fact that she has decided on a path in life means she's grown up early, and it causes Morphomon to disappear.
    • The flashback with Morphomon is replayed after Eosmon is defeated, and this time, you hear what she's trying to say: "We'll be together forever." This causes Menoa to have a My God, What Have I Done? moment and beg for forgiveness.
  • The film ends on a Bittersweet Ending. After Eosmon is defeated, Tai and Matt have one tick left on their timers and spend the afternoon with Agumon and Gabumon separately, having idle conversations reminiscing their past and future plans without really facing that the end is near. But once Agumon and Gabumon each ask both of them what they plan on doing tomorrow, by the time they answer, both Digimon are gone. A long moment of silence goes by as the former DigiDestined realize what happened. Their Digivices finally become unusable, and Tai and Matt are left to cry alone.
    Agumon: Hey, Tai?
    Gabumon: Hey, Matt?
    Agumon: What will you do...
    Gabumon: ...tomorrow?
    Tai: That's a good question... I guess no one knows...
    Matt: ...what tomorrow may bring.
    [As the two turn away to look ahead, two morpho butterflies fly off into the sky...]
    Tai: ...whoa.
    Matt: Anything can happen... Tomorrow-
    Tai: We can-
    [The two turn to look at their partners... only to see they're no longer there.]
    • In the middle of this, Matt had brought a new harmonica with him, practically on purpose, and plays it for Gabumon one last time.
  • The song playing during the credits really hammers home that this is the Grand Finale of the series.
  • T.K.'s final hat — a black fedora — is a subtle tribute to the late Koji Wada, who wore them towards the end of his life.
