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Tear Jerker / Digimon Adventure: (2020)

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  • Episode 9: Ogremon finally gets his rematch with Greymon, with the two actually starting to enjoy the fight...which is then abruptly cut short by MetalTyrannomon. After realizing he had been replaced, Ogremon directs Taichi and the others to the Holy Digimon's location out of sheer respect for his opponents, and holds off MetalTyrannomon at the cost of his life.
  • Episode 12: the Guardromon that Mimi wiped dust off of and helped her against Andromon dies in one last ditch attempt to save her, only to die at Andromon's hands. And Andromon, as he is covered in moss after Lillymon's attack, returns to himself with a My God, What Have I Done? expression, a tragic Heel–Face Door-Slam to his predecessor's recurring ally status in the original.
  • Episode 46: Devimon slowly taking over Angemon, who even starts evolving into Neodevimon.
  • Episode 62: The past deaths of the Cupimon and Puttimon, sacrificing themselves to seal Shakkoumon away so he could stop fighting. And in the present, after his rampage is stopped, Shakkoumon breaks down in tears realizing that its charges are long gone.
