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Recap / Tuttle Twins S 1 E 1 When Laws Give You Lemons

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Summary: When Grandma Gabby moves in with the Tuttle family, she takes her twin grandkids on a wheelchair time machine to France and the Old West to learn about laws and try to save their lemonade stand.

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • Comically Missing the Point: When Grandma Gabby first shows the twins her time traveling wheelchair, Ethan gets excited about the digital clock.
Ethan: You have a digital clock??
Ethan: You have a time machine that's connected to a digital clock??
  • Drives Like Crazy: Gabby lets her pet raccoon Derek drive. He takes some liberties.
  • Family-Friendly Firearms: Averted hard. The twins end up caught in a shootout between the sheriff and a pair of outlaws, and the bullets are very real.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: When the kids are watching the revolt outside of Bastiat's window, a burning wig can be seen flying by.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: The two bandits spend the majority of the second half of the episode stealing cows (both legally and illegally). Then when they're finally defeated, they both lament that they really need cows and are so jealous that Carla has so many of them. Emily sets them both straight by saying that it's no excuse to violate Carla's right to property.
  • Historical Domain Character: The kids and Gabby visit Frederic Bastiat, a 19th century French writer and economist.
  • How We Got Here: The cold open shows Gabby and the twins blasting through time and space, and Ethan questions how they ended up in that situation. The episode then cuts to 12 hours earlier ...whoops, 11 hours show just how the twins ended up in said situation.
  • Literal Metaphor: Gabby took the saying, "Knowledge is power," and used it to create a renewable resource that converts knowledge into literal fuel.
  • MacGyvering: Grandma Gabby made her time traveling wheelchair using a Ph. D in physics, carbon alloy and the little plastic thing that holds a bread bag closed.
  • Never Say "Die": The very first line of dialogue averts this.
Ethan: Emily, remind me why we're on this death trap again?
  • Straw Hypocrite: Besides the fact that those "tax collectors" are really just the bandits in disguise, they claim that collecting cows from Carla will help create new jobs and help the poor and the needy, but they barely hide the fact that they're just plain greedy.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Sheriff Winkles pauses his arrest of two cow bandits to preach about the sacred duty of his office to the twins. But while doing so, the bandits slip away.
Carla: Is this like a teaching moment, or did you want the bandits to escape?
Sheriff Winkles: was a teaching moment.
  • Toilet Humor: Grandma Gabby mistakes a bidet for a salad bowl.
Gabby: Thanks for letting me borrow the bidet! It sprays salad dressing with such force!
Bastiat (horrified): It's not for salad!
  • Worth It: The wheelchair runs out of knowledge juice and crashes in the Old West because Gabby made too many stops for slushies. She doesn't mind.
