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Recap / Tuttle Twins S 1 E 2 War Of The Worms

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Summary: A science camp rivalry threatens to destroy Emily’s dreams. Grandma takes the twins to India and a worm battlefield to learn about the golden rule before it’s too late.

This episode contains the following tropes:

Tesla: Not again!
  • Cycle of Revenge: The Protons and Electrons' prank war is this. Grandma Gabby has to take the twins to meet Gandhi to learn how to stop it.
  • Escalating War: Karinne starts a prank war by knocking Team Proton's flag over and nearly destroying Emily's science project in the process. Ethan and Emily decide to up the ante, and a Cycle of Revenge begins.
  • Eyedscreen: Invoked when Ethan holds up two pieces of black paper to give Emily this effect.
  • Fearless Fool: Copernicus chants, "Lake, lake lake!" excitedly with members of the Electrons while they prepare to toss him in the lake. He can't swim—a fact he seems to be oblivious to.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Emily fixes and corrects Copernicus' solar system. He realizes that the center of the solar system is not the's a giant lemon.
  • Given Name Reveal: We learn that Mr. Tuttle's first name is Eugene.
  • The Golden Rule: The theme of the episode.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: When Ethan repeats Gandhi's quote, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind," George Wormington points out that worms don't have eyes. We're then treated to a close-up to prove his point.
  • Historical Domain Character: This episode features Mahatma Gandhi. And also two brief cameos from Nikola Tesla.
  • I Am Not Weasel: Derek gets called a rodent several times. He hates it...right up until Gandhi tells him he could become the "Gandhi of rodents."
  • Ironic Name: The kid named Copernicus makes a model of the solar system with a flat earth at its center.
  • Look Behind You: Grandma Gabby distracts everyone by shouting that Nikola Tesla is behind them on a time machine. Turns out he actually is!
  • Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer: Emily sings, "99 beakers of acid on the wall," during the car trip to science camp.
  • Not in Front of the Kid: Mrs. Tuttle purrs at Mr. Tuttle after calling him attractive, and Mr. Tuttle blushes and quickly changes the subject.
  • Rival Science Teams: The twins are on Team Proton, while Karinne is on Team Electron. She decides a good old fashioned camp rivalry is in order.
  • Screwball Squirrel: The Protons attract squirrels to the Electrons' cabin, which wreak havoc. One squirrel sticks around and continues to annoy Derek.
