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Recap / The Simpsons S 17 E 2 The Girl Who Slept Too Little

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Original air date: 9/18/2005

Production code: GABF-16

When a graveyard is moved near the Simpson house to make room for a stamp museum, Lisa suddenly has nightmares and learns that even someone as level-headed as her can be scared.


  • Continuity Nod: As Homer noted in "Lisa's Wedding", Lisa learned how to diaper herself.
  • Donut Mess with a Cop: When Chief Wiggum is on the top of a tree and too scared to get down, Lou helps by offering donuts.
  • Eat the Camera: During Lisa's nightmare in the cemetery when a skull swallows her.
  • Everyone Has Standards: The Wild Beasts author said he started illustrating children's books after Playboy magazine found his cartoons too filthy.
  • It's Probably Nothing: Occurs with Groundskeeper Willie's cousin, Gravedigger Billy, who tells Lisa that if somebody was buried alive, a bell placed on the grave would ring.
    Billy: Oh, that's just the wind.
    (a hand bursts through the grave)
    Billy: That's just a tree branch... with a nice watch on it! (steals watch)
  • Latex Perfection: During Lisa's nightmare sequence when in the cemetery, at one point she winds up on the lap of an old lady that reassures her "Grandma will protect you," before peeling off her mask to reveal a skull that says (in a male voice) "But I ain't Grandma!" and swallows her.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Chief Wiggum is naked and at the top of a tree and Lou is trying to convince him to get down. As soon as Lou offers him a pizza bagel, Chief Wiggum appears next to him and fully dressed to pick it. Lou is visibly surprised.
  • Precision F-Strike: While the kids watch a Land of the Wild Beasts-themed advertisement for the Hillside Wrangler Steak House, a jumbo shrimp appears saying he has a maximum of two servings, prompting Homer to stick his head into the theater and say, "That's bullshit, man!"note .
  • Shout-Out: The Land of the Wild Beasts is a parody of Where the Wild Things Are.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: The Beasts tell Lisa that she could just close the curtains so she won't see the cemetery. Also a nightlight but Homer finds it too expensive.
    Wild Beast: They're 4 dollars a piece!
  • Suicide as Comedy: The Itchy & Scratchy cartoon, where Scratchy goes to see Cats, but gets so bored with it he blows his brains out.
  • Take That!: The Itchy & Scratchy cartoon has Scratchy being Driven to Suicide from being bored with Cats.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: When Ned Flanders and the Simpsons are outside on their lawns after being woken up by loud construction, Homer complains that he can't listen to Flanders before he's had his coffee, to which Flanders hands him a mug of French Roast and heads back into his house promising to follow it up with some toast.
    Homer: ...Stupid Best Friend Flanders.
  • Wasn't That Fun?: Homer and Bart chain themselves to the construction machinery to protest the building of the stamp museum. The operator of the drill to which Bart is tied simply commences using it, causing Bart to yell "Again!" three times as he's spun in and out of the ground. He then announces he's had enough, but the guy keeps going.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Deconstructed. Lisa is scared out of her mind because she never learned to face her childish fears.
  • Would Hurt a Child: To prevent the stamp museum from being built next to his home, Bart chains himself to a big drill. The machine's operator uses it anyway but Bart enjoys it and repeatedly says again however he soon feels the pain eventually.
