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Recap / The Real Ghostbusters S 5 E 13 Jailbusters

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Janine, Louis, and Slimer are working in the firehouse, when Janine decides it's breaktime. The Ghostbusters enter, wearing muddy uniforms, and say that the others have it easy. Janine tries to refute, but Peter brushes her off. Then, the Ghostbusters take off their uniforms to reveal formal attire underneath, claiming to be headed to an "auction" for a girlfriend (Peter), a comic book convention (Ray), a set for a TV commercial (Winston), and a university to get an award (Egon). Louis gives the guys paychecks to sign, but they brush them off and leave.

They go to their respective places, but Peter finds that the women at the "auction" are all zombie-like, Ray doesn't find any convention and is told "We've been expecting you" by a disembodied voice, Winston finds a weird blue-skinned man, and eventually all four of them are sucked away into a portal into a building.

The disembodied voice tells the Ghostbusters, "Silence!" and then Egon, seeing some ghosts, realises they're in the spirit world. One ghost reveals that it's a courtroom, the Ghostbusters are on trial for their actions, and the punishment is unsaid, but said to be unspeakably horrible.

Janine, Slimer, and Louis, meanwhile, are still complaining about their lack of paychecks, but then Louis finds that their invitations are written in the same handwriting. Slimer smells that a ghost wrote the invitations, so Janine and Slimer dress up in Ghostbuster uniforms to save the guys.

A prosecutor shows the Ghostbusters photos of their "victims", while Janine, Louis, and Slimer search. Upon finding similar readings to the ones on the invitations and Egon's bowtie lying discarded, they determine the Ghostbusters were probably kidnapped by ghosts.

While Janine, Slimer, and Louis determine that they have to go to the ghost world, the Ghostbusters are found guilty and jailed. Slimer leads Janine and Louis to the ghost dimension, while the Ghostbusters have a bad time with bad music and food.

Peter tries to escape, but has his hair messed up by a ghost. When he complains about it, Janine, Louis, and Slimer hear him yell and find the prison building. Then, Janine, Louis, and Slimer show up, disguised as Peter's parents with Slimer in their bag.

After a word with the Ghostbusters, they set off and Slimer steals some keys, but then they learn the Ghostbusters are being taken to be punished. A ghost takes them to a pit and shoves them down, but they sit on ledges. Ghostly hands grab at them, but then Janine and Louis start shooting at the hands. They get them out of the pit, but everyone is chased by a ghost and two demons. Luckily, they go out of the portal and it closes behind them and Peter gives Janine a raise.

This episode provides examples of

  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Janine thanks Peter for giving her a raise by tousling his hair (not realising he hates it).
  • Badass in Distress: The Ghostbusters are all kidnapped and put on trial by evil ghosts.
  • Big "SHUT UP!":
    • When Peter jokes about his tuxedo, the voice says, "Silence!".
    • When Peter starts saying the Gettysburg address upon being asked for "last words", the jailer says, "Shut up!".
  • Blowing a Raspberry: Slimer blows a raspberry when feeling ignored by the Ghostbusters.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Louis hates that the Ghostbusters are in the spirit dimension... because it's an overrated vacation spot.
  • Conforming OOC Moment: All the Ghostbusters scream while being sucked through the portal, even Egon.
  • Courtroom Episode: The Ghostbusters are tried by ghosts for imprisoning other ghosts.
  • Cyclops: One ghost is a giant eyeball with limbs.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Downplayed, but Janine and Louis get a little more focus than usual.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?:
    • Peter calls the ghost prosecutor out on its unfairness when it interrogates him and the others about an incident from before they were born.
    • He then says to one of the ghostly hands in the "armpit", "Didn't your mother tell you to keep your claws to yourself?!".
  • Distressed Dude: The Ghostbusters are all put on trial by Ghosts and need to be saved by Janine, Louis, and Slimer.
  • Dressed to Plunder: One ghost wears a pirate hat and an eyepatch.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Janine got dirty and chased by demons, but she got the raise she wanted at the end.
  • Ectoplasm: At midnight, a wave of green slime floods out of the entrance to the ghost world.
  • Episode Tagline: Peter yells, "I hate that!" when the ghosts mess his hair up.
  • Evil Laugh: One of the ghosts in the crowd can be heard chuckling maniacally, then later, one of the photos does, and the ghost jailer also laughs evilly.
  • Exact Words:
    • When Peter says he will talk to Janine about her work later, she snaps, "That's what you said yesterday!". He replies, "Egon said it yesterday; I'' said it the day before".
    • The ghostly chef has at least four eyes.
  • Exhaustion-Induced Idiocy: Discussed — when Slimer accidentally vacuums Janine's hair, she decides he must be tired (since she and Louis are).
  • Extra Eyes: A three-eyed ghost is seen in the crowd.
  • Hellhound: One ghost has two doglike demon pets.
  • Hope Spot: Peter thinks he's found a way to escape, but there's another ghost behind the wall.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: After the Ghostbusters are shoved down the pit, one ghost says, "Now who you gonna call? Not the Ghostbusters!".
  • Lightmare Fuel: The Ghostbusters are imprisoned and threatened with horrible punishments... but the ghosts also annoy the Ghostbusters with silly things like bad music, and one of the punishments involves a horrendous pit full of hands wanting to pull them to their doom, but is called "the armpit".
  • Losing Your Head: Justified when a ghost is able to play basketball with his own head, since he's undead and thus can't die.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": Janine, Louis, and Slimer look fearful upon realising the Ghostbusters must have been kidnapped by ghosts.
  • Mistaken for Clown: Winston mistakes the blue ghost for an actor in heavy makeup.
  • The Name Is Bond, James Bond: When talking about the hook-up "auction", Peter calls himself "Venkman. Peter Venkman".
  • Nap-Inducing Speak: Peter falls asleep when the ghostly judge is trying to find what to say.
  • Nightmare Face: A ghost scares Janine, Slimer, and Louis by making a scary, large-mouthed expression at them.
  • Nobody Touches the Hair: Peter hates it when the ghosts mess his hair up.
  • Not So Stoic: Even Egon screams when being sucked through the portal.
  • Oh, Crap!: Slimer says, "Uh-oh!" upon realising a ghost wrote the invitations.
  • One-Liner: After being sucked through the portal, Peter says, "Wherever we are, if my tux is messed-up, whoever sent us here isn't paying it!".
  • Platonic Kissing: Discussed when, during the rescue scene, Peter says, "Janine, I could kiss you," and then Slimer says, "I want a kiss too!".
  • Pun: The pit with the ghostly arms in it is called the "armpit".
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The eyeball ghost who tousles Peter's hair has a red iris, and one of the jailer ghosts also has red eyes.
  • Running Gag: Peter keeps getting his hair messed up and complaining he hates it.
  • Say My Name: Somebody yells, "EGON!" when he almost lets go of the ledge.
  • Scooby Stack: Janine, Slimer, and Louis peer through a doorway stacked at one point.
  • Shout-Out: Winston tells Peter not to say they're "not in Kansas anymore" after arriving at the other end of the portal. Later, Janine describes the entrance to the ghost dimension as "not exactly the Yellow Brick Road".
  • Slapstick:
    • Slimer accidentally vacuums Janine's hair, then later falls from the sky.
    • Louis crashes when sliding down the firepole.
  • Speak in Unison: The Ghostbusters all say at once, "Janine and Louis?!" when they show up.
  • Terms of Endangerment: Peter addresses the ghostly prosecutor as "pal".
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The main theme plays when Janine, Louis, and Slimer rescue the Ghostbusters.
