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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 4 E 1

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Release: January 4, 2011

Movie: The NeverEnding Story III: Escape from Fantasia (1994)

This review contains examples of:

  • Adaptation-Induced Plot Hole: He complains about the movie never addressing Bastian's father knowing about the book and its powers.
  • Adaptational Decay: Conversed. One of his many complaints against the movie is the complete destruction of the characters, mainly Falkor and the Rock-Biter.
  • Anger Montage: Critic destroying the DVD at the end.
  • Berserk Button: The iconic Neverending Story theme by Limahl being replaced by the Rock Biter's edition of "Born to be Wild" drove Critic to decimate the DVD.
  • Broken Tears: At the start of the video, the Critic has his head down and sobbing at just how terrible the movie is.
  • But Thou Must!: The Critic argues with the Child-like Empress about why Bastian can't just wish his friends back in Fantasia. The trope is her answer.
  • Clothing Damage: He's so angry at the end of the review that his clothes start coming off. He's a total mess by the time he's finished.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: How Critic explains the "Rock Biter Family" sequence.
  • Credits Gag: The standard credits are played under the Rock Biter's rendition of "Born to be Wild".
  • Crossdressing Voices: He objects to the Rock Biter's wife, whose actor makes no effort to sound feminine.
  • invokedDawson Casting: Referenced by Critic.
    Mr. Jones: How many times are you weasels going to repeat the twelfth grade?
    Critic: Oh, so that's why the students look like they're in their mid-twenties.
  • Innocent Innuendo:
    The Child-like Empress: We must not give in to the Nasty!
    Critic: Am I the only one who finds that dirty?
  • Jaw Drop: When Rock Biter sings "Born to Be Wild", The Critic's jaw stretches so low, it hits the table.
  • invokedJumping the Shark: Critic describes the scene where the Rock Biter sings "Born to Be Wild" as this.
    "Let me make one thing perfectly clear: this is not jumping the shark. I'll repeat that again. This is not jumping the shark. Oh, no, no, no, no. This is jumping the shark, coming back, shooting it in the balls, raping it, EATING ITS FLESH, CONSUMING ITS SOUL, MOUNTING ITS HEAD ON THE WALL, AND THEN DOING THE SAME THING TO TWELVE MORE FUCKING SHARKS JUST TO BE SAFE!"
  • Laughing Mad / HA HA HA—No: Critic's reaction to the Rock Biter's cover of Born to be Wild replacing the NeverEnding Story theme over the credits. He keeps laughing as he drives to the Home Depot to buy a crowbar to smash the DVD with.
    Critic: Hahahahaha— COCK SUCKING WHORE!!! (starts whaling away on the DVD)
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The Critic violently destroys the DVD at the end of the review after it pressed his Rage Breaking Point one too many times.
  • Rage Breaking Point: The Critic was clearly getting angrier and angrier with the movie as went along, but he kept his temper under control. What causes him to finally snap is the Rock-Biter's cover of Born to be Wild instead of the Neverending Story theme during the credits.
  • Reality Warper: The Critic finds it ridiculous how the Nasties Method of doing this to the Never Ending Story is simply by jumping on the couches in the school library, as opposed to a more logical method, such as writing in the book or reading it out loud.
  • Shout-Out:
    Slips: Well, I think it'd only be right that we personally escort you to the men's room.
    Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap!
  • Spiteful Spit: The Critic does this to the DVD as he smashes it.
  • Standard Snippet: The "Storm" movement from "The William Tell Overture" plays as the Critic utterly annihilates the DVD.
  • invokedTook the Bad Film Seriously: Critic notes that Jack Black is the only one putting effort into his role.

"We must NOT give in to the Nasty!"
