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Recap / The Interns S 7 E 7

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Someone just played a series of pranks on Kupitman, with Bykov being the first suspect. Kupitman's answer is to cover Bykov's workplace with glue. Both considers those pranks to be child-level at most: come on, they're big boys, and can do better! But then Bykov realises that there's a third side involved. Despite that prankster covering their tracks in such a way that everything points at Bykov, he still finds the clues that it's their traumatologist Misha. Kupitman suggests that his motive is jealousy towards his friendship with Bykov. They cooperates to set up a prank in Misha's office, with clear clues pointing at Kupitman, and only then Bykov reveals that it was his plan all along: to make Kupitman prank Misha, who's indeed angry at Bykov, but not because he's Kupitman's friend, but because he's a bad friend. And it's too late to turn back...

Phil's patient is an old man who claims to have active sex life; Phil doesn't believe him... until the patient's wife confirms it — because he bothers her with it. But when Phil tries to talk with the patient, it turns out that said woman is not his wife — she is his mistress! Just in time for the real wife to appear. After barely managing to avoid being busted, the patient reveals that he actually has two lovers... and the valid reason to require them — otherwise, his sex drive would drive him crazy. Only when Phil asks the patient's wife to control him (and warns about his lovers), she reveals that she keeps secretly giving him viagra, because without it — and without sex — he slips into depression.

Lyuba decided to put a dating advertisement in some magazine. Varya tells her that only old farts still use (or read) those, and introduces her to dating websites. Of course, Lyuba falsifies some information (sets up a wrong age, puts on an old photo). Then they creates a profile for Varya herself, using the best photo they could find. Varya almost backs out, fearing that somebody from the hospital would find out, but Lyuba assures her that even if someone tries, they would be too ashamed to reveal that they're browsing those sites. Unknowingly to them, someone already did; Kupitman finds it while browsing the site, and shows it to Gleb, Semyon and Phil, tasking them with mocking Varya and ruining her trust in dating sites before she runs into any real danger; Phil objects to the plan, and warns Varya. Varya and Lyuba, after some researches, narrows down the messages presumably from Romanenko and Lobanov, but quickly gives up: they know that the guys wouldn't write like this; unknowingly to them, Gleb and Semyon actually failed to write anything, and gave up as well. Unfortunately, Lyuba sees something which convinces her that they're indeed behind it, and Varya starts playing along with some particularly eccentric guy named "Rudolph", who actually goes on a date when invited, and has to be knocked out with a broomstick due to not understanding the word "no".

This episode provides examples of:

  • Anatomically Impossible Sex: At least one of the messages which Varya received on the dating website is filled with some dude's erotic fantasies, which Lyuba instantly recognises as written by some horny high school student: maximum hormones, minimum understanding of the human anatomy (to the point that even Lobanov would do better).
  • Chubby Chaser: "Rudolph" actually considers Lyuba to be even more attractive than tiny Varya. He also can't take "no" as an answer, forcing Varya to knock him out with a broomstick.
  • Dirty Old Man:
    • Kupitman actually uses dating websites for his affairs. This is how he finds Varya's profile when she decides to create one as experiment.
    • Phil's patient is a 76 years-old man who has two lovers... despite being married. He has a reason for such active sex life — if he stops, the women would plague his dream, which is even worse. His wife later reveals that he acts like this because she (secretly) gives him viagra (two full doses, no less!); without sex, he would slip into depression again, which was the reason behind starting all this in the first place.
  • Dude, Not Funny!: Phil reacts with disgust to Kupitman's suggestion to mock Varya's attempt to use dating website, and tries to warn Varya. Gleb and Semyon at first were okay with that plan, but when they fails to create something funny, decides to quit: even if they do come up with something, it would be just too cruel. Unfortunately, they decides to do this after Lyuba busted them and "confirmed" their involvement with the messages which Varya already received (despite the single one created by Romanenko and Lobanov wasn't even sent, even after one hour), which almost makes Varya ending up in actual trouble.
  • Extreme Libido: Phil's patient has extreme libido... despite being 76 years-old, forcing him to have two lovers (besides his wife), or he would not be able to sleep. This was actually caused by viagra his wife secretly provides him with (she wanted to help him with his depression). This worked for a time, but now, thanks to this (and his generally unhealthy lifestyle), he has the heart problems.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: Traumatologist Misha accuses Bykov of being a bad friend for Kupitman. Bykov reacts by tricking Kupitman into playing a prank on Misha by deceiving him that Misha did the same to him (he didn't). Yeah, Bykov, you're a great friend...
  • Manipulative Bastard: Bykov manipulates Kupitman into thinking that another doctor, traumatologist Misha, is behind the series of pranks on him, and retaliating by playing a prank on him... only to reveal that Misha is innocent, and it was indeed Bykov all along; this is to retaliate against Misha for calling Bykov a bad friend for his treatment of Kupitman.
  • Not Me This Time:
    • Someone played a series of pranks on Kupitman (water-filled balloon, pepper-cowered towel, water with zelyonka), and of course Bykov is the first suspect. Kupitman replies by covering Bykov's workplace with glue. Both considers those pranks to be child-level at best. Despite all clues pointing at him, Bykov insists that somebody is trying to frame him, and eventually manages to convince Kupitman that traumatologist Misha is behind it; Kupitman even organises a prank for him, as revenge, with clear clue pointing at Kupitman as its author... only for Bykov to then reveal that he was behind that prank all along, and it was his plan to take revenge on Misha (by Kupitman's hands, because Kupitman was a reason why they had a conflict in the first place). When it's already too late to fix anything.
    • Lyuba sees Gleb and Semyon with unsent message intended to troll Varya on a dating website, not aware that it's the only message they wrote up within entire hour, and ultimately chose to not even send it; which means, all weird messages Varya had received before (including the one about some weird guy's fantasies about becoming Varya's puppy) were written by actual users of the site. And then Varya starts playing along with some guy named "Rudolph", expecting him to be the latest cover by Gleb and Semyon and intending to invite him on a date, where she can confront the two about their childish behaviour; unfortunately, Rudolph turns out to be real — and just as weird in real life as on the site.
  • Troll: Kupitman finds Varya's profile on a dating website... and shows it to Phil, Gleb and Semyon in hope that they would milk this situation for all its worth, so he may watch and laugh. Phil is the only one to object and call it amoral, to which Kupitman replies that it's better that they ruin Varya's trust in dating websites now, than she would find some sleazy rogue who would break her heart later. Phil does not believe in his intentions being sincere, and warns Varya anyway.
  • Who Would Be Stupid Enough?: Of course, it is safe for Varya and Lyuba to use dating website, because no one else in the hospital would touch them — or at least show in any way that they do it. Cut to Kupitman finding Varya's freshly created profile during browsing the same site.
