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Recap / Superjail S 2 E 4 Hot Chick

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Airdate: April 24, 2011
Written by: John J. Miller
Story editor: Chris McCulloch
An alien arrives at Superjail to hunt down the twins.

"Hot Chick" contains examples of:

  • A Day in the Limelight: The first of the two Twins-centric episodes of the season, this one detailing their origin. Sort of.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: Hunter, the titular "hot chick".
  • Censor Box: The broadcast version of the episode has the Warden's genitalia covered up by one of these. Later on, Hunter's breasts are obscured by one after she's sealed inside her crystal, although the DVD shows that there's still nothing explicit underneath it.
  • Continuity Nod: The constellation Combaticus can be seen briefly in the night sky. It proceeds to disintegrate a flock of birds by firing stars at them.
    • Alice's "new beau" is actually Sweet Cheeks, from "Superbar". Not only is Alice still pursuing him, but the guy's still terrified and not interested.
    • The two bored inmates from "Combaticus" are shown at the cafeteria table, passing the escape note for the Twins. The inmate they pass it to before Nicky is the pale bald inmate from "Mr. Grumpy-Pants" (the one that wanted Ash to read him a story).
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Ozzal has arms and long red fingernails visible in his first scene. They seem to vanish in his later appearance in the episode, and by "The Trouble with Triples", they've been replaced by a pair of amorphous blue tentacles. Ozzal also has a strange alien echoing effect added to his voice, which is also gone by his season 3 appearance.
  • Fan Disservice: The Warden goes about naked to mimic Hunter, and it's not censored on the DVD at all.
  • Fish Eyes: One of the Twins gets a very wall-eyed expression as he panics about having to flee Hunter. A Twin in the fake flashback also gets his eyes crossed when Hunter rips his body in half.
  • Foreshadowing: The woman briefly seen on the cover of Jacknife's "Hottyz" mag is what Hunter models her appearance after note . Another hint at it not being her natural look is when Ozzal suddenly exclaims that she got "ugly". This is the sign that something is off about the Twins' flashback tale, as Hunter has the blonde look as her natural appearance in their lie. Then there's the matter of how animalistic she acts...
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: The inmates' profiles give a glimpse of some full names note , except for Jean and Paul, who at this point were still unnamed and whose profiles simply read "GAY" and "GAY". The Combaticus constellation example above is also a very quick bit to catch (while the Warden is conversing with Hunter).
    • Jared's flashbacks are a more disturbing example.
    • The aforementioned teddy bear of Jacknife's, when Hunter's meteorite first crashes through his cell. Jacknife also has a screw stuck in his (tiny) brain, visible when the unmorphed Hunter probes into his mind.
    • A few flashbacks in Jacknife's mind feature some fully naked women, although their breasts are either given the same treatment as Hunter's (no nipples), or the women are only visible from side or back views.
    • The Twins' shelves feature various objects, including their blue power crystals note , a bunch of dolls, an empty goldfish bowl (in the animatic, it had a dead goldfish floating inside), a pair of "2002" New Year glasses, a "Warden Burger" happy meal box, and numerous other random objects.
    • Some of the Twins' tattoos are shown to be rather innocuous ones, such as rainbows and ladybugs, although the skinhead-disguised Twin is also shown to bear "SS" bolt tattoos and a smiley face with eyes shaped like the bolts (which carries over to the armband in one scene where a symbol was allowed). The Muslim extremist-disguised Twin bears a pentagram tattoo reading "Santa" on his neck, although one later scene features him with the phrase "Muslim doins" written on his arm. He also bears the Darwinist fish symbol on one arm. Basically, while the Twins have some cutesy or non-threatening tattoos, the animators also mixed in a few actual gang and hate symbols that the actual inmates would usually have.
    • A photo of Sweet Cheeks' mother seems to be taped up in his cell and "watching" his torture as well.
    • In a brief bit, when Alice insists that she'll help the Twins escape, right after referring to them as "geeks": The skinhead-disguised Twin simply looks confused and is staring in her direction, while his brother's expression quickly becomes shameful and disappointed-looking, with downcast eyes.
  • Funny Background Event: When the Twins are in the prison yard, watch for Jean and Paul in the background. The former is stroking the latter's pecs.
    • While Ozzal is reprimanding the Twins at the end, some sort of alien creature winds up EATEN by one of the buildings on the planet.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: The Twins try this when disguising themselves as inmates. Although you can't really tell which one is which anyway, due to the lip-synch animators (as far back as the animatic reel) forgetting which voice to synch to which one note . In the end, it appears they just ran with the Twins switching voices mid-episode and didn't let it bother them too much since both act as the same guy anyway.
  • The Peeping Tom: Sweet Cheeks' flashbacks show that the Twins apparently like to watch Alice sexually torture him, and even snap pictures of it.
  • Stock Footage: During Sweet Cheeks' flashbacks to Alice tormenting him, the photo of Alice at his side is reused from her stock art, but is redrawn a bit so that she'd be wearing a bikini top.
    • When Hunter notices the Twins inside the jail and goes to dash after him, the character model of Alice is recycled from her stock art, though she has her head repositioned a little to be eyeing Hunter for that brief moment.
    • A group of perverted inmates and their various animations are first seen when Alice is introducing Hunter to the jail, and are recycled when Hunter rushes past some cells to find Sweet Cheeks. In fact, the very cell she stops at isn't even Sweet Cheeks' at first, but that of one of the recycled inmates- who changes to Sweet Cheeks in the next shot anyway.
    • Jared's video surveillance of the Twins (seen in his flashbacks) appears to have been recycled from either the pilot or "Cold-Blooded", going by the style.
  • Unreliable Narrator: The Twins, with their fake flashback story and claims to the inmates. It's an attempt to get the inmates to help them, but all the guys really care about is getting to have sex with the "hot chick".
  • Voluntary Shape Shifter: Hunter, who is most comfortable blending in as a nude woman since that's the form that appeals to the inmates.
    • Ozzal's spaceship seems to be this too, managing to form out of nothing but similar blue goop from the meteorite when it's summoned.
