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Recap / Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S 1 E 26 End Game

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Splinter and the Turtles must prevent Baron Draxum from getting the final piece of the Dark Armor.


  • Achilles' Heel: April relays that the Shredder Armor has a flaw that prevents it from completion. The turtles remember fixing the helmet with an action figure when it was used as Splinter's teapot. Together, they attack the weak point which disrupts Baron Draxum's power.
  • Be Yourself: While acting as actual ninjas has been an effective option last episode, Raph decides he and his brothers should just do as they always done: In his words "We do we!".
  • Black Comedy: After Splinter angrily confirms that he is indeed hurt from being crushed by rubble, Donnie starts shoveling dirt on his still alive father and says that he will be missed.
  • Bond One-Liner: April uses her bat to hit a baseball into the weak spot on Draxum's helmet. When it succeeds, she yells "You're out!"
  • Cliffhanger: Draxum is defeated, but the Shredder Armor gains sentience and drains him of his life force, allowing the real "Shredder" to completely take form.
  • Combination Attack: The turtles unleash one on Draxum. Unfortunately, he no sells it.
  • Contrived Coincidence: The turtles just so happened to have damaged the helmet when they were toddlers, giving the Shredder a weakness in the present day.
  • Cutlass Between the Teeth: With most of his body bound by Draxum, Leo grabs his katana with his mouth to make a portal.
  • Epic Fail: The B-Team, minus April and Splinter, immediately get caught in a net trap before they can even try to enact Splinter's plan.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Splinter never realize that his tea kettle was the final piece of the dark armor.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid: With the turtles gone, April assembles an alternative team of Fraken-Foot, Bullhop, Shelldon, and Todd.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: We get an unpleasant look at Splinter's toe, which he uses to cut April's gag. She is appropriately grossed out.
  • Hostage For Macguffin: Draxum demands the final piece of the dark armor in exchange for the turtles.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: Splinter initially doesn't want to hand over the helmet because it will doom humanity. April points out that Draxum has his sons. However, when he relents, April says this will doom humanity. Splinter rightfully claims she's not helping.
  • I Call It "Vera": Splinter named his tea kettle (the Shredder's helmet) Old Skulley.
  • Play-Along Prisoner: When the turtles decide to go back to doing things their own way, Raph smashes his way out of their cell, with Leo asking if he could've done that the whole time. Played with in that he wasn't playing along, he probably just didn't think of it until then.
  • Russian Reversal: While meditating in a cage, Raph imagines Splinter giving nonsensical words of wisdom in the form of this trope.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!:
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Splinter ultimately hands over the Shredder's helmet over to Draxum, unaware that the turtles have already escaped confinement.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Silent Credits: Instead of an instrumental version of the theme song, the sound of wind blowing is the audio track of this episode's end credits sequence.
  • Spare a Messenger: Draxum releases April at the start of the episode to warn Splinter that he's captured the turtles.
  • Spit Take: Splinter does this when his ancestors basically tell him to leave his sons for dead.
