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Recap / Power Rangers Time Force S1E40 The End of Time Part 3

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The story reaches its conclusion as Wes and the Time Force Rangers from 3000 reunite to take down Frax and Ransik in their final battle.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Nadira asks Ransik how he could hate something as beautiful as the human Baby she was protecting, causing Ransik to realize that his heart had been filled with hatred towards humanity for so long and that it nearly cost him Nadira, the one person who he truly loves.
  • And Then What?: Mr Collins asks this to Wes after the other Rangers returned to the future after arresting Ransik and he doesn't know what to do with his life now. That's until Mr. Collins offers him to join the now Non-profit Silver Guardians.
  • Badass Boast: When Jen tells Ransik he has no one left to fight for him, he draws his sword and says "I don't need anyone! I'll destroy you myself!" Cue a Curb-Stomp Battle with the Time Force Rangers, making good on that threat.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Subverted. The Rangers were on the losing end of the final battle with Ransik and probably would've been defeated had he not had a last-minute Heel Realization and surrendered willingly.
  • Big "NO!":
    • Frax when the Rangers arrive from the future in the Time Force Megazord's jet mode and use the Cyclone Defense on Doomtron.
    • Frax again when Wes and the Q-Rex combine their powers to destroy Doomtron.
    • Wes yells "No!" when Ransik tries to take the former down with him in the Final Battle.
  • Big Damn Heroes: With the Megazord, followed by the Rangers saving Wes from a veritable army of Cyclobots.
  • Book Ends: In the first episode of the series, before Ransik hijacked the prison Gluto was the last mutant to be frozen. After the latter decides he can’t the intensity of the Final Battle, he willingly decides to freeze himself, making him the last mutant of series to be frozen.
  • Call-Back: When the other Rangers reunite with Wes, they assure him that they can all change their own destiny.
  • Car Cushion: During the Final Battle with Ransik, Lucas gets thrown into the sky, hits a bridge and lands on top of a car before demorphing.
  • Character Development: Mr. Collins, who already started some episodes before, again asks his son to join as leader of the Silver Guardians, but to protect Silver Hills for free, which Wes agrees on the condition of hiring Eric as his co-commander.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Ransik easily curb-stomps all of the Rangers in the Final Battle. He slashes Jen mid-air, throws Lucas onto a bridge and a car, kicks Katie in the stomach, blasts Trip into a tree, and ultimately takes down Wes in his Red Battle Warrior armor.
  • Darker and Edgier: This is probably one of the darker episodes of the series, as it's implied that several civilians died from buildings being pulled into the time-holes, there is visible blood when certain characters get injured (Wes, after he's caught in Ransik's explosion, and Ransik himself, albeit of the non-human green-blood variety), there is more physical fantasy violence, and one of the formerly-human characters (Frax) dies on-screen, when his robot body fails! (Although Frax lost his human essence when Ransik had it erased in two episodes earlier.)
  • Emmy Bait:
    • Jen's "I'm taking you in!" speech to Ransik.
    • As well as Ransik's My God, What Have I Done? moment and "I'm ready to pay for what I've done." It's probably the best performance Vernon Wells has ever turned in.
    • And again when Jen tells Wes she loves him - right before she has to leave him for the future.
  • The Fellowship Has Ended: By the end of this episode, Lucas, Trip, and the Girls all have to return to the 31st century while Wes stays behind to help Eric lead the Silver Guardians.
  • Finish Him!: After the Cyclobots corner Wes, Frax tells them to finish him off.
  • Graceful Loser: Ransik, though he was actually winning before giving up, which may have something to do with why he was so graceful.
  • Grand Finale: Of the franchise's pre-Disney era.
  • "I Can't Look!" Gesture: The Girls, Lucas and Trip all shield their eyes the moment they witness Ransik taking Wes down with him in a massive explosion.
  • Last Stand: Wes versus several hundred Cyclobots. Fortunately, the others manage to come back and save him.
  • Last Villain Stand: After his Mecha-Mooks have been taken down, Nadira has abandoned him, Gluto has pulled a Screw This, I'm Outta Here, and Frax has been destroyed, Ransik pulls this trope and inverted it since he managed to defeat the rangers one by one. He only surrendered when he discovered he hurt Nadira.
  • Multi-Part Episode: The concluding episode of the season finale.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Ransik has this reaction, nearly word-for-word, when he nearly kills Nadira in the final battle when chasing Jen. This leads to his Heel–Face Turn.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Ransik takes on the entire team during the finale and beats the tar out of them all. It makes you wonder why he bothered using monsters of the week, especially considering they were using things they didn't even have at the start of the season and he still won.
  • No Hugging, No Kissing: You would think we'd get a kiss between Wes & Jen in the finale, but nope, standard embrace.
    • Although the trade-off is that to this day, they're still the only two Rangers to say "I love you" to each other.
  • Official Couple: Wes/Jen is made official when they say "I love you" to each other.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Frax when the Time Force Rangers sends Doomtron flying with the Cyclone Defense attack.
    • Frax again when Wes uses the Quantum Defender to destroy Doomtron.
    • Jen, Katie, Lucas, and Trip get a Mass "Oh, Crap!" when Ransik defeats Wes in his Red Battle Warrior armor.
    • Ransik when he accidentally injures Nadira during his pursuit of Jen.
  • Ominous Latin Chanting: Used not to represent imminent danger, but instead to symbolize the gravity of the situation, that Ransik, the most powerful and notorious mutant of the year 3000, has finally been captured, and that the mission is over, after he willfully gives himself up, when Jen puts the restraining cuffs on him.
  • Say My Name: Jen, Katie, Lucas, and Trip yell "Wes!" when Ransik tries taking Wes down with him during their final battle.
  • Split Screen: When the other rangers yell out Wes' name, all of them are shown via a four-way split-screen.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Gluto bails out of the Final Battle by freezing himself into a containment unit inside the cryo-prison.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Gluto, unlike his Sentai counterpart, Don Dolnero, survives due to choosing to freeze himself when the battle becomes too intense for him.
  • Watch Out for That Tree!: After Ransik blasts Trip during the final battle, the latter is sent flying and hits a tree trunk. Three seconds later, he demorphs.
  • Wham Line:
    Ransik: I'm ready to pay for what I've done. [he holds out his hands and wrists]
  • Would Hit a Girl: In the Final Battle, Ransik has no problems slashing Jen mid-air and kicking Katie in the stomach to the point where they demorph.
