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Recap / Paperinik New Adventures S 1 E 38 Stowaway On Board

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After a mission with Mary Ann Flaggstar, One informs Paperinik of an Evronian ship crashing on Earth. However Xadhoom takes care of it (and of the Evronians) before he arrives, and quickly departs to hunt some more. Meanwhile Paperinik learns of the Evronians' plan to capture her and decides to board on the ship to stop them.

Tropes Present In This Issue:

  • As You Know: Two Evronian scientist repeat between themselves how they are going to capture Xadhoom and how she is gonna be sent to Evron while Paperinik listens in the shadows.
  • Bad Boss: Admiral Monodon, the commander of the Evronian cruiser, transforms one of his scientist back into a spore just because he hasn't finished his part of the project yet. He also acts as a total dick to his second in command Keeran.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Keeran to Monodon. His thoughts show he has some resentement towards him but, being a soldier in a military kin, there isn't much he can do about it.
  • Batman Cold Open: The first few pages are dedicated to Paperinik helping Flaggstar to arrest some arms dealer.
  • Captured Super-Entity: The Evronians try this again with Xadhoom. This time it could have worked but fortunately Paperinik decided to act as a Spanner in the Works.
  • Dressing as the Enemy: Thanks to a new gadget forged by One, Paperinik manages to disguise himself as the leader of the arms dealers, a Coolflame, an Evronian scientist and... a tree.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Xari is seen only briefly and looks like he's a Coolflame, while he's a regular, untransformed Xerbian in the two following issues. This is due to an idea that was in earlier drafts of the story, where some Coolflames were subject to a process that gave back their intelligence but left them obedient to the Evronians.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Xadhoom's attack on the crew of the first ship is pretty brutal: and by brutal I mean you can see them burning.
  • Force Feeding: Being as dumb as rocks, this is the way the Coolflames are fed. Paperinik (who was disguised as one) is not enthusiastic about it.
  • G-Rated Drug: We finally see how the Evronians consume the emotions they steal: specifically, it looks way too much like a junkie getting his fix. * Oh, Crap!: When the Evronians realize that, thanks to Paperinik's interference, their plan has failed and Xadoom is coming back.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Keeran is overjoyed to find out that Monodon cared enough to search for him while the cruiser is about to explode, only for the admiral to coldly inform him he was looking for his pet and they just happen to be together.
  • Impostor Forgot One Detail: Paperinik's disguise as a Coolflame is pretty good. Unfortunatly he forgot they can't talk.
  • In the End, You Are on Your Own: One warns Paperinik that he can't help him this time, since he doesn't have the time to transfer his software in the Extransformer, which means he will lose contact once the ship arrives in orbit.
  • Master of Disguise: Taken to an extreme level thanks to a new invention of One.
  • Mood Whiplash: We go from fighting arms dealers to Paperinik almost getting peed over to learn the plan to capture Xadhoom to Paperinik's funny gags on the astroship to Xadhoom almost getting defeated and blowing the astroship up (and Learning Xari's fate) to Paperinik traveling on an emergency shuttle with a maternal istinct. Quite a rollercoaster.
  • Naked People Are Funny: While jumping in the alien ship Paperinik's cape remains stuck in the airlock: his costume gets shredded resulting in this trope.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: A literal example: since Paperinik was disguised as an Evronian to free her, Xadhoom attacks him and destroys his gadget to change form.
  • Scenery Censor: As a consequence of the above Naked People Are Funny.
  • Spanner in the Works: After learning of the plan to capture Xadhoom, Paperinik vows to stop them. He succeds.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Xadhoom realizes that the Evronians are falling back only to lure her in a trap. But she thinks she can escape whathever they prepared, and she just enjoys killing them too much.
  • The Reveal: Xari is alive and well... and working with the Evronians to capture Xadhoom.
  • Urine Trouble: The alien dog almost takes a pee on Paperinik when he is disguised as a tree.
  • We Have Reserves: If they can keep Xadhhom busy, Monodon will happily sacrifice all his soldiers.
  • Wham Line: "The Emperor will mantain his promise! You can count on it Doctor Xari!"
