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Recap / One Hundred And One Dalmatian Street S 1 E 31 The Curse Of The Ferrydog

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When Dylan finds the skulls of Cerberus the guardian of the underworld in the backyard, Dante and Portia warn him that he's disturbed an angry spirit.

This episode features examples of:

  • Ancient Grome: Dylan calls the pottery shard Diesel digs up Roman, but it depicts Cerberus, the Greek guardian of the underworld.
  • Condensation Clue: At one point, Dylan sees the mark of Cerberus drawn on his mirror while he's taking a shower. It's later revealed that Dante was the one who drew it.
  • Creepy Monotone: Dylan starts talking like this after the angry spirit prank gets to him.
  • A Day in the Limelight: For Dante, especially once his role in the prank on Dylan is revealed.
  • Dramatic Thunder: Dante and Portia looking at each other after Dylan laughs of them saying he should rebury his findings is accompanied by this.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Dante may be a Large Ham, doom obsessed Goth, but even he thinks driving Dylan to Sanity Slippage and making him take part in an elaborate reburial ritual for your own amusement is going too far.
  • Foreshadowing: Dante just so happens to be in the bathroom when Dylan sees the three-headed hound on his mirror. True enough, it turns out Dante was the one who drew it.
  • Halloween Episode: Along with its sister episode "The Walls are Alive." This one isn't as overtly Halloweeny, but it does have a curse and some creepy imagery going for it.
  • I Think You Broke Him: When Dylan keeps staring back and forth as he, Dolly, and Dawkins are hiding in the couch, Dolly says she thinks he's broken. She's right.
  • Karma Houdini: Portia doesn't really receive any comeuppance; Dante, with help from Triple-D, reveal to Dylan in song that whole thing was just a prank. Everybody laughs at Portia for some reason, Portia says nobody understands her and leaves.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: This is Dante's reaction when his, Portia's, and Spencer's prank to teach Dylan a lesson escalates beyond what he's comfortable with.
  • Once More, with Clarity: After Dante explains he, Portia, and Spencer made up the angry spirit, we get a series of flashbacks showing how each of the supernatural phenomena throughout the episode were achieved.
  • Sanity Slippage: Dylan after Dante and Portia's "angry spirit" charade gets to him. He gets bags under his eyes, a distant expression, and starts switching between Creepy Monotone and Large Ham.
  • Talk to the Paw: Dylan responds with this when Dante starts talking about Cerberus's curse.
  • The Voiceless: Spencer takes part in the prank alongside Portia and Dante, but doesn't say a word.
