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Recap / Ohsama Sentai King Ohger Ep 24 King Of The In Between Vs King Of The Abyss

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King of the In-Between vs King of the Abyss

Original Airdate: August 13, 2023
Written by: Minato Takano
Directed by: Hiroyuki Kato


Jeramie: With Shugoddam's citizens answering his call, Gira activated King Caucasus Kabuto, and successfully defeated the Deathblow Shogun Daigorg.
Gira then undergoes the ceremony where he is officially crowned king of Shugoddam.
The future seems bright...
...Even as beneath their feet, the overlord of the Bognaarok, Dethnaarok VIII, still lives.

After Gira's long awaited coronation, a heat wave suddenly blasts over the land. To combat this, the royals decide to hold a summer festival with all five kingdoms participating for the sake of the people.

Jeramie, on the other hand, decides to confront Dethnaarok to figure out the cause of the weather change. What will come of their fight?


  • An Aesop: Discrimination breeds discrimination.
  • Breather Episode: Downplayed. While a good chunk of the episode revolves around Jeramie's confrontation with Dethnaarok and is suitably dramatic as a result, the other part of the episode is much more lighthearted as it revolves around the monarchs' summer festival.
  • Call-Back:
  • Character Development: Gira realizes that, contrary to what Douga says, he doesn't have to sacrifice all his socializing to be king and can let go of the Tyrant persona. This realization stands alongside Jeramie's quest for unity among the races, forming a contrast between Gira's understanding compassion and Jeramie's "Force everyone to play nice" mindset.
    Gira: I want a country where the king protects all the citizens and those citizens protect the people they care about around them.
    Jeramie: I want to help reach beyond the gap between man and Bognaarok, so that one day, they might join hands!
    Gira: Maybe I don't have to be the Tyrant King...who wants to conquer the world.
    Jeramie: I will spread my threads across the great distance and unite Tikyu. That is how I will become the king who rules over all!
  • Cliffhanger: The episode ends with Dethnaarok absorbing the Shugod Souls and hopping into the earth's core to destroy Tikyu from the inside out.
  • Convection Shmonvection: Averted. Zarigajim digging a hole to the planet's core causes the heat to reach the surface, with a heat wave as the result.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Dethnaarok became an Evil Overlord because the legends said the Bognaarok were evil. The persecution the species has undergone has robbed the tyrant of any sympathy and his answer to scrubbing away his species' dishonor is to Put Them All Out of My Misery.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Much like Douga's response to Racules, Kamejim's reaction to Dethnaarok's plan to wipe everyone out is disgust, fear and a prompt retreat.
  • Feet-First Introduction: The first post-opening character shot of the episode is Gira's bare feet in a bucket of cold water, cutting to him and Douga discussing Tikyu's sudden heat-wave.
  • Festival Episode: To beat the heat, a summer festival is held in Shugoddam with all five kingdoms participating.
  • Gone Horribly Right:
    • Douga warns Gira that as a king, he can't openly socialize anymore. Gira takes this way too far and inadvertently drives Boone away when he comes to visit, spending much of the middle-half mulling on it. The other monarchs just tell Gira to Be Yourself, which not only restores the twos' camaraderie but inspires Boone to stow away on King-Ohger during the later battle and help the rulers defeat the newest enemy.
    • Jeramie's attempts to slander the Bognnarok by making them the villains of King-Ohger's legend worked too well. Humans began to discriminate against them and the species as a whole decided to become the very monsters they were written off as.
  • Hope Spot: Dethnaarok is surprisingly willing to talk things out with Jeramie when the latter reveals himself, even engaging in a philosophical debate with him about the legends. However, the discussion ends with him swatting Jeramie aside with his tentacles and attacking the heroes later, shunting any chance of unity.
  • Insert Song: Kaguragi and Suzume's cooking session is set to a dance with the former's insert theme "Utage ja Ohger!" playing.
  • I've Come Too Far: Jeramie's attempts to talk Dethnaarok down go unheeded, the villain stating outright that it's too late for diplomacy.
    Jeramie: Let's create a new history! Together!
    Dethnaarok: (Resigned, revealing Shugod Souls) It's far too late now!
  • Jerkass Realization: Gira drives off Boone after Douga reminds him of his royal status and he goes over the top with his "demon king" persona. It takes the other monarchs pointing out that he can be king without alienating his friends in the process, causing Gira to make amends by playing with Kogane and Boone right afterwards.
  • Must Make Amends: Realising the Fantastic Racism against the Bognaarok was his own fault, Jeramie decides to web down the other King-Ohgers in the hopes that he can personally make amends and talk Dethnaarok out of destroying Tikyū as a distant family member. Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Jeramie goes through a brutal one as he gradually realizes that the misunderstandings and animosity between humans and the Bognaarok all stem from the original legend that he wrote.
  • Put Them All Out of My Misery: To cleanse away his species perceived "dishonor," Dethnaarok's plan is to merge with Tikyu's core and wipe the planet out from the inside. Kamejim is bugged out and promptly books it, leaving Jeramie to try appealing to him.
  • The Reveal:
    • The real root of the Bognaarok philosophy is their persecution at the hands of humans, which Jeramie inadvertently helped cultivate by casting them as the villains of legend.
    • Jeramie reveals himself to be related to Dethnaarok, with his full name being "Jeramie Idomonaarok Ne Brasieri".
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: God Ant and one of the God Kumos get a chance to shine in this episode, serving as the reel and hook respectively to lure out Zarigajim from Tikyū's core.
  • Two Lines, No Waiting: Plot A deals with Jeramie and Dethnaarok facing off against each other as the latter attempts to enact his final plan against humanity, while Plot B deals with the monarchs putting on a festival to beat the heat caused by Dethnarok's plan creating a path to the planet's core.
  • Wham Line: Boone's answer after Jeramie asks why would humans feared of Bognaarok.
    Boone: Gira told me about it... in the Legends of the Ohsama Sentai.
  • Wham Shot: Jeramie ties up the entire team before he reveals his true heritage.
