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Recap / Ninjago S10E98 "Endings"

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Airdate: April 19, 2019

In the Grand Finale of the Oni Trilogy, Lloyd and his remaining allies must hold the line in the Monastery against the oncoming Oni horde while Kai and Nya reforge the Golden Weapons. All the while, Cole tries to make his way back to the Monastery to help stop the Oni once and for all.


  • All Your Powers Combined: The Tornado of Creation made to defeat the Oni incorporates everyone, making it much more powerful.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Cole arrives during the final battle, to the joy of everyone.
  • But Now I Must Go: Garmadon leaves without a word after Lloyd's revival, and no one but Wu sees him leave.
    Wu: Goodbye, brother.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The Tornado of Creation, mentioned again at the beginning of the season, turns out to be the Oni's Logical Weakness, and is used to defeat them once and for all.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Kai's background as a blacksmith, which was only briefly touched upon all the way back in the pilot episodes, means that he's the only one with the skill required to reforge the Golden Weapons. All of Ninjago rests on his ability to restore them.
  • Determinator: Stuck in an Oni-overrun NCTV News, Cole risks getting frozen just getting to his car, but he does manage it.
  • Disney Death: After the Tornado of Creation defeats the Oni, Lloyd appears to have died from the strain and his friends grieve him while Garmadon seems to silently do so as well. He has a conversation in a dream-like realm with the First Spinjitzu Master who offers him to leave the mortal plane and join him wherever he is, but Lloyd rejects it in favor of returning with his friends at which that point he revives and wakes up to everyone's relief.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Garmadon manages to transform into a more Oni-like state, which briefly puts him on even ground with the Omega. Unfortunately, it's not enough and he almost dies at the Oni leader's hand.
  • The Faceless: The First Spinjitzu Master's face is hidden by his hat and shadows, despite being in the sunlight.
  • Funny Background Event: In the final scene, Dareth is zipping around waving to the camera as it moves.
  • Grand Finale: Of the Hageman Brother's era of the show.
  • Kneel Before Frodo: The First Spinjitzu Master summons Lloyd basically to give his grandson a "thank you" for everything.
  • Lack of Empathy: Garmadon acknowledges Cole's supposed death, but says that while he might once have tried saying something supportive, he's not gonna.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: The First Spinjitzu Master tells Lloyd that once he leaves his realm, Lloyd will think their encounter was just a dream, and eventually even that memory will fade. Sure enough, once he wakes up, Lloyd can't even remember what happened to him.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Garmadon spent the past seasons trying to get closer to his Oni side and outright hurt his son and family in the process, even nearly killing them, just so he could be stronger all while claiming their human side made them weak compared to him embracing only his Oni side. Here, the Omega manages to beat down any ambitions he had, and his Oni power doesn't do him any good, with the Omega even mocking him for thinking he could be a "real" Oni and only surviving his fight when Lloyd saves his life. This in turn seems to have fully extinguished any leftover ambitions he had, and once Lloyd turns out to be alive after his Disney Death, he leaves without any further trouble or word.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: The FSM teleports around as he chats with Lloyd, much to Lloyd's confusion.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: The Omega gives one to Garmadon as he beats him down to near-death:
    Omega: You are Oni, but only in form. In your heart I sense uncertainty and doubt. Part of you longs to understand these pitiful beings, to be one of them. Your hopes weaken you.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: Jay finally proposes to Nya in the middle of the fight because he feels there may not be another chance to do so.
