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Recap / Legends Of Tomorrow S 7 E 6 Deus Ex Latrina

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The Legends try to make sense of when and where they are, and find Dr. Davies is not very cooperative after all. Meanwhile, in 2214, Bishop takes a rebuilt Waverider on its maiden voyage and tries to get revenge on the Legends.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Bishop restoring Gideon's original programming comes back to bite him, as it was previously established that her directive to uphold the integrity of the timeline outweighs any concern for the well-being of those that threaten it. She kills Assistant Ava and replaces Bishop with a robotic double to live out his life as recorded, while forcing him to remain onboard as her Captain forever.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: Between Nate and Zari, solidifying their relationship, after Nate has come to terms with himself and has decided that, yes, he does want to move into the Totem with Zari.
  • Category Traitor: How Assistant Ava describes Captain Ava.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • There's no camera in the bathroom, so Gideon can't see anything inside. Bishop later uses the bathroom to escape.
    • Bishop gushing about how Gideon makes all his meals, which comes back to bite him later.
  • Create Your Own Villain: While Bishop had a Heel Realization, he still rebuilt the rogue Gideon and gave her the idea of sending robot copies of historical figures to "correct" history.
  • A Day in the Limelight: A good deal of the runtime is a Villain Episode for Bishop and the rogue Waverider.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Bishop carelessly takes the vow to become a Time Master to get revenge on the Legends. It ends with Gideon 2.0 killing Assistant Ava and forcing him to stay on the Waverider, even replacing Bishop himself with a Robot. She makes it clear to him that he will keep fixing time with her forever.
  • Do You Want to Copulate?: When Gary and Human Gideon are sharing their experiences of being human, she asks if he would like to have sexual intercourse with her. (He would.)
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Bishop, after realizing the gravity of his actions.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!:
    • When Bishop confronted Gideon about Ava's death, he taunts her about her claim that she sedated him. Then he glances at the drink he had Gideon make for him, and he barely manages an Oh, Crap! before the sedative kicked in.
    • Bishop sends a distress call to AVA Corporation, then learns that the one who picked up the call is...himself. While talking to the second Bishop, the first one realized that Gideon made a robot copy of him, too.
  • Flat "What": The entire team in unison when Behrad, Zari, and Davies tell them they are in Chernobyl.
  • Foreshadowing: At the beginning of the episode, as the Legends try to get their bearings and set up camp, they fail to notice a worn-out radiation sign on the ground.
  • Four Lines, All Waiting: The entire regular cast for the season are divvied up into multiple plotlines that the story switches between the entire episode. Behrad, Zari, and Gwyn end up finding out they're in Chernobyl; Astra takes Ava to gather firewood; Spooner takes Sara to hunt for food; Gideon and Gary forage for food after Nate sends them away for trying to discuss his relationship problems with Zari; and Bishop works with Assistant Ava and their copy of Gideon on eliminating the Legends.
  • Future Me Scares Me: Despite being impulsive and vengeful, Bishop is genuinely horrified when he learns about the evil deeds of his future self.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Bishop wanted to change Gideon's programming to focus only on her mission. Boy, did he get that in spades...
  • Hates Being Touched: Gwyn reacts with hostility when Zari first tries to touch him.
  • Heel Realization: Bishop when he discovers the truth about why the Legends abducted him.
  • Heroic BSoD: Gwyn Davies after the Legends are stranded, feeling that he is destined to always fail. Zari and Behrad eventually snap him out of it.
  • Ignored Expert: Gideon 2.0 is frequently ignored by Bishop in his revenge attempts against the Legends, which ends up making things worse which each attempt.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • 2214 Bishop learns the truth about the Legends, and also about his evil future self.
    • Behrad tells Dr. Davies about the gravity of the situation being in 1986 Chernobyl.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When stepping on board the Waverider, Assistant Ava mentions that the control deck could make for a nice conference room, which is what it's used for in most episodes.
  • The Lost Lenore: Alun, Dr. Davies's World War I comrade. He was secretly in love with him, and was haunted by his death. He mentions to Zari that Behrad reminds him of Alun.
  • Lower-Deck Episode: Part of the episode is the events of the season from Bishop and the new Waverider's perspective, and shows them trying to "undo" the mess the Legends made.
  • Mundane Utility: Instead of directly using magic to cut trees for firewood, Astra transfigures a piece of wood into an axe and gives it to Ava so she can vent.
  • My Greatest Failure: Dr. Davies's perceived cowardice during World War I. He and another soldier were tasked to deliver a message, but when the other soldier got shot, he just froze, and by the time he snapped out of it, his entire unit got killed.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: Saving the people of Chernobyl, at least that's what Dr. Davies believes.
  • Oh, Crap!:
  • Once More, with Clarity: Done to reveal Bishop's involvement in the various attempts on the Legends' lives.
  • The Reveal: It turns out Bishop was the one behind the destruction of the Waverider and the robots.
  • Revenge: Bishop wants to get revenge against the Legends, until he has his Heel Realization.
  • Sense Freak: Gideon really enjoys the perks of becoming human, like eating and having sex.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Instead of trying to stop the Chernobyl meltdown, Davies gets the word out for everyone to make tracks before it goes haywire, sparing scores of people from death by radiation sickness.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Dr. Davies was a World War I soldier.
  • Shout-Out:
    • When creating Robot-Hoover, Assistant Ava delightfully exclaims "It's alive!".
    • Gideon channels HAL 9000 in her callous drive to follow her programming, especially since Bishop apparently couldn't recreate her holographic display and uses a camera instead.
      Assistant Ava: Gideon, open this door and let me back in.
      Gideon: I'm sorry, Ava. I'm afraid I can't do that.
      Ava: What do you mean you can't do that? Gideon, open this damn door right now.
      Gideon: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
  • Tempting Fate: After Nate sends Gary and Gideon off with busy work, he mentions that at least they can't do anything to attract the evil Waverider. As if cluing himself into what he said, he then looks up to the sky worriedly. No points for guessing what happens later on.
  • Thinking Out Loud: Nate, when pondering about his future with Zari. Gary tries to intrude, but gets turned down.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: The entire team when they see Bishop landing on their time machine with a toilet.
  • Thrown Out the Airlock: Gideon ejects Assistant Ava out of the Waverider and into the timestream. Because "One ship, one captain."
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Gideon 2.0 produces a Robot Bishop who takes his place in the timeline, implying that the previous season's Big Bad was that drone.
  • Visual Pun: Seeing a toilet about to land right on top of them, the Legends literally cry out Oh, Crap!. It even works with the title, which would roughly translate to "God on the toilet."
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Behrad and Zari trying to snap Gwyn out of his Heroic BSoD, but he only gets annoyed by it.
  • You Are Not Alone: Zari tells Gwyn of her own struggles and how the Legends helped her overcome them. This finally encourages him to snap out of his Heroic BSoD.
  • You Remind Me of X:
    • Gwyn Davies mentions that Behrad reminds him of Alun.
    • Zari on the other hand mentions that Gwyn reminds her of the original version of Behrad.
