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Recap / Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia S 10 E 07 Mac Kills His Dad

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"I'm gonna save my dad's life!"
— Mac, just before the title card that proves he will NOT be doing this

After discovering that Mac's dad Luther is facing the death penalty over a murder charge, Mac and Charlie set out to clear his name. Meanwhile, Dennis, Dee and Frank attempt to talk Bill Ponderosa out of drinking himself to death — or failing that, to find a way of profiting from his suicide.

This episode provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Maureen seems to think that there might be a chance for her and Dennis getting back together, much to his disgust.
  • Abusive Parents: Bill apparently told his preteen daughter that she was "too fat to be a slut" and told his son outright that he didn't love him.
  • Asshole Victim: The only reason Dennis and Dee even decide to take out a life insurance policy on Bill Ponderosa is because they find him to be this thanks to his sleaziness and horrid behavior.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: A variation. Bonnie's testimony is a list of squicky events that ends in something darker: "Eduardo was in my mouth, and Luther was in my butt. Then Luther went in Eduardo's butt for awhile. Then they both 'completed' on each other. I was left out of the finale. And then Eduardo went out and then he killed somebody and that's all I know."
  • Cat Folk: Maureen has undergone even more extensive cosmetic surgery since her last appearance, with the apparent intent of turning herself into a cat.
  • Camp Straight: Dennis claims that a good mani-pedi is one of the things he enjoys most in the world.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • Depraved Bisexual: According to Bonnie, Luther had sex with his partner in crime Eduardo Sanchez.
  • Driven to Suicide: Bill spends most of the episode trying to drink himself to death, though he ultimately changes his mind.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Dennis and Dee are both appalled to find out what Frank does for fun. They also continue to find Bill incredibly skeevy.
    • Dennis is disturbed at the glee Bill Ponderosa's family expresses when they find out Bill is suicidal.
  • Gilligan Cut:
    Mac: I'm gonna save my dad's life.
    (Cut to title card: 'Mac Kills His Dad'.)
  • Improvised Weapon: Eduardo Sanchez decapitated a guy with a stop sign.
  • Kick the Dog: Frank claims that he likes to ride around in limousines, throwing balloons filled with champagne at homeless people and asking them how they like a taste of the good life.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Mac apparently takes after his father in at least one respect (though not the one he'd like) since it's revealed that Luther is also attracted to men.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: At the end of the episode, Eduardo Sanchez ends up being fingered for the murder by Mac and Charlie, clearing Luther's name. However, Luther points out that this makes it look like Luther ratted out his old partner to his son, which will probably make the other prisoners want to kill him.
  • One-Steve Limit: Discussed; Charlie comments on how odd it is that the last person to visit Luther in jail has the same name as his mom, until Mac points out that it obviously is his mom.

  • Running Gag: Charlie once again professes to be an expert in bird law.
  • Saying Too Much: Mac reveals Eduardo's name as he's in the middle of explaining why he's not supposed to say Eduardo's name.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Mac insists there must be something wrong with the prison intercom when Luther repeatedly ignores his "I love you", and even when Luther states outright that he doesn't love Mac, Mac insists he doesn't mean it. He also refuses to believe that his father is anything other than straight despite the fact that he had sex with another man, claiming it's a "dominance" thing.
  • Staging an Intervention: Dennis, Dee and Frank attempt to do this for Bill before realizing that his family all hate him and want him to die so that they can get his life insurance.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: The dock worker who Mac and Charlie interrogate disappears while their backs are turned.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Mac asserts that his father must be innocent because he has a bad shoulder, which prevented him from playing catch with Mac.
    Luther: [nodding in agreement] Right.
  • Too Much Information: Bonnie telling Mac and Charlie in explicit detail about her threesome with Luther and Eduardo.
    Bonnie: They were both inside me. Eduardo was in my mouth and Luther was in my butt.
    Charlie: Oh my God, no, don't tell me everything. No! What?! No!
    Mac: Holy shit, tell us more!
    Bonnie: Then Luther went in Eduardo's butt for a while.
    Mac: Tell us less. Tell us less.
  • The Unintelligible: Lampshaded when Charlie states that Mrs. Mac is "off words again".
  • Unwanted Assistance: Luther repeatedly tells Mac and Charlie not to interfere, as they'll undoubtedly screw it up.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Mac's desperation for his father's approval is almost painful to watch at times, especially as it's obvious to everyone but him that none is forthcoming.
