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Recap / Gotham S1E11 "Rogues' Gallery"

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Directed by Oz Scott

Written by Sue Chung

Gordon makes the best of his new posting at Arkham, while Cat breaks into Gordon's apartment to get Ivy off the streets.


  • Abandoned Hospital: Not abandoned enough, unfortunately for... everyone.
    Gordon: You rushed into opening, and now you're running this place with skeleton staff and zero surveillance in an unsafe and insecure 200-year-old maze!
  • Benevolent Boss: Sara Essen would bring Gordon back in a second if she could. His current boss... not so much.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Butch Gilzean is caught between Fish and a childhood friend who also wants to be the new boss. His decision winds up being pretty final.
  • Fauxshadowing: A Greek tragedy being performed at Arkham during a thunderstorm? Sounds like a perfect intro for Maxie Zeus!
  • Friend on the Force: Invoked when Jim, now just a security guard, manages to get Harvey Bullock to come down to Arkham and kickstart the investigation in his stead.
  • Hope Spot: For a second it looks like Gordon ordering the inmates to get back in their cells is going to work.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: The nurse who helps Gordon investigate the semi-murder.
    Nurse: He never tells a lie, poor peaceful soul he is.
    Gordon: He murdered his entire family with an ax.
    Nurse: Never hurt a fly before or since.
    Inmate: I said sorry.
  • Mean Boss: Gerry Lang, who uses Jim Gordon as his personal scapegoat.
  • Mildly Military: Or procedural. Jim is wearing mismatched insignia on his Arkham uniform: he has Sergeant stripes (3 chevrons) on his sleeve, but only two chevrons on his collar insignia.
  • Playing Sick: Funny how Ivy's cough goes away once she has Cat waiting on her hand and foot.
  • Red Herring: "Nurse" Duncan.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Lang finally starts helping Bullock with his investigation, and is stabbed to death almost as soon as he returns to Arkham.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": Oswald would like you to know that he's the Penguin.
  • Terrible Interviewees Montage: Jim's interrogation of the Arkham inmates is a Black Comedy take on this.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gordon calls out the warden for Arkham being entirely unsuited to its current use (see Abandoned Hospital above). The warden's response? And, frankly, Jerkass Has a Point, for all he's trying to pin everything on Gordon.
    Warden: Excellent. Excuses. That's the nature of municipal operations! You inherit problems and you use the resources at hand to do what you can.
