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Recap / Fairy May Cry, 29 "Extalia"

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As their human friends are thrown into prison in Edolas' capital, Happy and Carla are brought to the place their eggs came from, the kingdom of Extalia, where they learn the reason of why they came to Earthland in the first place.

  • Adaptational Context Change: Nelo Angelo, rather than being a Brainwashed and Crazy Vergil, is instead a creation of Mundus from the essence of Sparda, Dante, and Vergil, forming the Demon Emperor a powerful and loyal servant.
  • Apocalypse How: Nelo Angelo plans to open a gateway to the Underworld to Edolas, unleashing the legions of demons and Mundus upon the magicless people.
  • Awful Truth: Carla's secret is revealed: she and Happy were sent to Earthland to kill, later capture, the Dragons Slayers, to the tomcats horror.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: Gajeel manages to trick the Lacrima guards to moving away from their current position and move civilians out of the way by barking orders that there are attackers coming from the north.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Learning that Lisanna and Lucy are to be executed royally pisses off the other members of Fairy Tail.
  • Break the Cutie: Wendy, Happy, and Carla are not in good spirits this chapter. The Reveal that exceeds were sent to Earthland to kill Dragon Slayers horrifies the former two, while the latter is in tears over having 'fulfilled' her mission despite desperately trying not to.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Hughes taunts Dante about not being so tough... followed by the latter beating him up from inside his cell.
  • Continuity Nod: Upon seeing the exceed Nichiya, Happy's first thought is comparing him to Ichiya, who he met during the Oracino Seis arc.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Nelo Angelo plans to inflict this on Edolas as a whole with the release of Mundus.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Nelo Angelo helps the Magic Suppression Squad in Edolas round up any dark guilds and is their most feared soldier. His true mission is to pave the way for Mundus to conquer Edolas.
  • Everyone Has Standards: As abrasive and snarky as they can be, respectively, neither Gajeel or Trish are willing to start a fight with a bunch of civilians in the way, even if they are the ones cheering for their friends being turned into a lacrima
  • Evil Knockoff: Turns out, Nelo Angelo is made not only from Dante, but Vergil and Sparda's essence as well.
  • Fantastic Racism: The Exceeds look down on humans, viewing them as lesser beings that they must guide, though the latter comes across as Condescending Compassion at best.
  • Guile Hero: Edolas Gajeel proves invaluable in helping Trish and his Earthland counterpart, easily gathering information and remotely conveying the best means for them to attack.
  • Heroic BSoD: Carla and Happy undergo this, the former for her 'success' in completing her mission, the latter from learning what said mission was. Thankfully, Happy manages to shake it off by the end of the chapter.
  • Manchurian Agent: Happy and Carla were apparently this for the exceed queen.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Carla spends the entire chapter in shock over having lead Wendy and her friends right into the clutches of the Edolas army.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The usually happy... Happy is utterly furious after overcoming his Awful Truth induced Heroic BSoD, which he promptly directs at Nichiya and Nabi.
  • Point of Divergence: Lisanna is a prisoner in the cell alongside Lucy.
  • Properly Paranoid: Bitterly lampshaded by Carla, who acknowledges Dante was right not to trust her.
  • Sadist: Nelo Angelo takes great glee telling Fairy Tail that Happy and Carla intended to betray them all along, especially when it causes great distress to the vulnerable Wendy.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Happy delivers one to Nichiya and Nabi for their 'congratulations' on completing their mission on the queens orders, firmly stating he and Carla are Fairy Tail wizards first and foremost.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Hughes smugly says Dante is nowhere near as threatening as Nelo Angelo warned. Not a second later, Dante proceeds to grab him and slam his face against the bars of his cell.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend:
    • Gender flipped and downplayed given they're not a couple, but Natsu threatening to send the Edolas army straight to hell if they hurt Lisanna fits this.
    • Likewise, Happy is furious on Carla's behalf when he sees the emotional distress Nichiya and Nabi's "praise" is causing her.
  • Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: Like in canon, Nabi and Nichiya's praise to Carla for completing her mission of capturing the Dragon Slayers causes her to undergo a Heroic BSoD.
