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Recap / Eureka Once In A Lifetime

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Carter sets wrong what once went right. And it's heartbreaking.

Jo: I don't like this.
Carter: What's the matter, Jo, scared of a little transdimensional radiation?
Jo: Ya.

Five years in the future, Eureka is plagued by time anomalies. The cause turns out to be changes made to the timeline by Henry, but what did he change and why?

One thing's for certain; if disaster is to be averted, not everyone is going to make it out alive.


  • Alternate Timeline: Henry created an alternate timelines by saving Kim.
  • Call-Back: Dr. Walter Perkins is a suspect, but makes a good case why he shouldn't be.
    Dr. Perkins: Well, I hate to disappoint your sheriff but it wasn't me. I'm under house arrest, the temporal stabilizer keeps me from getting any younger but one foot outside that front door and its set to shut off. I don't wanna end up in diapers. Besides, part of my sentence is no technology above a class 2 rating. Hell, I had to file for special dispensation just to get that Xbox. It's only a 360.
  • Delayed Ripple Effect: After Henry changed the timelines, it takes four years until the original and alternate timelines begin to conflict, threatening to collapse the time-space continuum.
  • Mental Time Travel: Henry and Jack both travel back in time and inhabit their younger bodies. Henry goes to save Kim, and Jack goes to stop him.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Henry travelled back in time in order to prevent Kim's death.
  • Set Wrong What Was Once Made Right: Carter travels back in time to undo the Time Paradox Henry has caused.
  • Time Travel: The problem and solution to the troubles Eureka faces.
  • Time Skip: Four years forward, but it is reversed due to Time Travel.
