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Recap / Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past - Coyote Gorge District

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The Wild West, only in the opposite direction.

Coyote Gorge is the fifth district investigated in Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past.

Located in the "Wild East" frontier of Concordia, Coyote Gorge is a desert-based district primarily inhabited by Cowboys, cowgirls, prospectors, farmers, and every other Wild West stereotype imaginable. And Italian mobsters. Lots and lots of Italian mobsters.

Coyote Gorge focuses on the Flying Squad aiming to stop The Mafia who has basically conquered the entire district and possesses a stronghold over its prisons, towns, and gold mines, and now are forcibly evicting people from their homes to steal their land and illegally sell it to the Concordia Railroad Company for millions.

    Cases Set in Coyote Gorge 
  1. Death Without Parole: A convicted murderer is bashed in the head with a metal bar in a prison.
  2. Giving Up the Ghost: A local townsman is hanged from a tree in the ghost town of Devil's Ridge.
  3. Little Murder on the Prairie: A farmer is stabbed in the back with a pitchfork on his own farm.
  4. 3:10 to Death: An Irish gangster is shot with multiple arrows while trying to rob a derailed train.
  5. Blood Bath: A witness has his throat slashed with a broken bottle while taking a bath in a saloon.
  6. How the East Was Won: A mafia boss has a cactus shoved down his throat in his own hacienda.

