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Recap / Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past - Case 25: Death Without Parole

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Maddie: <Players Name>, how exciting to be in Coyote Gorge, Concordia's Wild East frontier!

The Flying Squad arrives to Coyote Gorge, the "Wild East" of Concordia, to investigate the allegations suggesting that the Italian mafia is controlling the Stonewall Prison located in the district. There, Maddie and the player decide to pay a visit to the aforementioned prison, where they find the body of Irish gangster Kev O'Connell, who they previously arrested for murder, beaten to death in the prison's courtyard.


  • Asshole Victim: Kev was a convicted gangster who murdered an innocent Good Samaritan by beating him to a pulp just because he was jealous of his relationship, making him this.
  • Back for the Dead: Kev O'Connell returns as the victim here after his arrest in Case 19.
  • Blackmail: Jeremiah murdered Kev because the Italians were blackmailing him with killing his family if he didn't comply, as they wouldn't tolerate an Irish convict on the prison they were controlling.
  • Bounty Hunter: Catastrophe Joan, a famous yet controversial bounty hunter in Coyote Gorge due to her not-so-heroic methods, appears as a suspect here.
  • The Bus Came Back: Colin James, the murderer you arrested in Case 2, returns as a suspect here.
  • Conveniently Cellmates: Kev and Colin became cellmates despite they being arrested months apart.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Rose gains a bit of spotlight in this case compared to her previous appearances, as not only she accompanies you to retrieve Colin after he escapes from prison, but a portion of her past is also explored when you clear her name regarding Joan's accusations towards her.
  • Death by Irony: What Dick thinks of Kev's death at least.
    Dick: I can't help but laugh at the irony, <Players Name>. Kev O'Connell brutally beat a man to a pulp not so long ago, and yet here he lies on my slab, bashed to death with a blunt object!
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Jeremiah's justification for killing Kev is that he had to protect his family from the Italians, who were blackmailing him with them if he didn't comply.
  • Don't Celebrate Just Yet: When you send Finley away for good to Stonewall Prison after you clean it up from Italian influence, he says that his arrest won't be the end of the Irish gang, warning you about it.
  • False Confession: Joan attempts to slander Rose's reputation during the Additional Investigation by telling you that, when she was still a bounty hunter, Rose beat a man to extract a confession from him that apparently was false just so she would get the reward money. Fortunately, you manage to disprove these claims.
  • Fingore: The killer cut off Kev's finger as a warning to the other inmates, which as you find out during Jeremiah's arrest, was ordered by the Italian mafia.
  • Graceful Loser: With a dose of Villain Respect, Finley accepts his defeat and sentence to Stonewall Prison when you inform him the corruption has been cleared at the end of the Additional Investigation, although he also warns you that his arrest won't be the end of the Irish gang.
  • Great Escape: Kev and Colin had one planned (which, according to Colin, Kev couldn't stop bragging about to the other inmates), and Colin later momentarily escapes from the prison by himself during the investigation.
  • Hellhole Prison: Stonewall Prison is this for anyone who isn't Italian, as the control the mafia has over it makes it extremely dangerous for their enemies. However, you manage to dispel their influence during the Additional Investigation.
  • Holy Hitman: One of the killer's traits is that they read the Bible, as they wrote "For the wages of sin is death" in Kev's ball and chain, which comes from the Biblical quote Romans 6:23.
  • Karmic Death: Kev's death is this for Maddie, as he died in a very violent manner after landing himself in prison for his violent ways.
    Maddie: It seems O'Connell got a taste of his own medicine, a violent man coming to a violent end.
  • The Mafia: The Flying Squad arrives to Coyote Gorge to investigate the supposed stronghold the Italian mafia has over Stonewall Prison. After that's confirmed, Chief Wright suggests investigating even more to see just how far the Italians have control over the district.
  • Miscarriage of Justice: Catastrophe Joan attempts to slander Rose's reputation by telling you she arrested an innocent man when she was still a bounty hunter, although you later discover the man was indeed guilty of his crime.
  • Mysterious Past: Isaac claims this regarding Rose.
    Isaac: Dear me, <Players Name>! I can't believe such dastardly claims about Rose...
    ...Then again, we don't know much about her past. I mean, we don't really even know how she lost her arm... Or her husband, for that matter.
  • Powder Keg Crowd: Cosimo, one of the prison guards, informs you that the prisoners are on the edge due to the murder and anything could set off a Prison Riot. Surely enough, this ends up happening in Chapter 3.
  • Prison Episode: Most of the case takes place in Stonewall Prison, which the Flying Squad came to investigate due to allegations that it's being controlled by the Italian mafia.
  • Prison Riot: One happens in Chapter 3 due to the prisoners fearing for their lives after learning about the murder, although Maddie manages to quickly calm them down by threatening them with more prison time.
  • Prisoner's Work: One of the crime scenes is a gold mine where the prisoners are sent to work. According to the mine's owner, they like to discretely steal some of the gold, although Kev was the most blatant about it.
  • Prospector: Dorothy McBain, the owner of the Bull Mine where some inmates are required to do Prisoner's Work.
  • Revisiting the Cold Case: In the Additional Investigation, Isaac and the player revisit an old case where a supposedly innocent man was incarcerated by Rose after she forced him to confess the murder of his brother despite no evidence being found. However, you and Isaac manage to find the brother's skeletal remains where the killer hid them, confirming that Rose was telling the truth about his guiltiness and clearing her name.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Tap on the Head: Kev was killed after being hit in the head with an iron bar by his killer.
  • Terrible Pick-Up Lines: Diego attempts to flirt with Maddie with one of these while Evie analyses the engraving On Kev's ball and chain.
    Diego: Madeline, my precious jewel! What can I do to convince you to marry me, to run away and become my ball and chain?
    Maddie: You can start by not calling me a "ball and chain."
  • Toxic Friend Influence: After Diego leaves Evie's library, Maddie says she's worried he's becoming a bad influence for Evie.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: Catastrophe Joan is a genuinely heroic Bounty Hunter, but she's also violent, has a Hair-Trigger Temper, and a newspaper report indicates that she likes to beat up the criminals she captures over the smallest things such as "looking at her funny".
  • Wardens Are Evil: Subverted with Jeremiah Shankshaw, the Stonewall Prison's warden. Despite murdering Kev, he only did it because the Italian mafia was blackmailing him with his family, and shows genuine remorse when you arrest him for his misdeeds. Played straight with the prison guards working for the Italia mafia though, who terrorize inmates the Italians don't like.
