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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who Specials No Place Like Home

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The Fifth Doctor is showing new companion Erimem around the TARDIS. They mess about in the wardrobe, get lost a bit in the corridors, and the Doctor tries to covey the idea of a house-trained cat to Erimem, whose pet cat Antranak isn't getting along with the TARDIS very well.

After a while, both realise that the TARDIS corridors are looping in on themselves, and that something's very wrong. They get rather rudely interrupted by a mutated, hyper-intelligent, warped Eldritch Abomination of a... mouse.

Once Erimem and the Doctor are done laughing, the mouse tells them that they're in danger of being cast out into the Vortex forever, since it has complete control of the TARDIS. Luckily, obscure Canon Immigrant Shayde is around to help. With some guile, some taunting and with the help of a very hungry Antranak, the Doctor and Erimem lure the mouse out of its little force field, and Shayde carries it back to Gallifrey where it can become the Time Lords' problem.

It also turns out that the Time Lords secretly fitted the TARDIS with a remote control, which the Doctor immediately gets rid of.


  • Alone in a Crowd: Erimem laments this fate when she was to become Pharaoh. People stopped treating her as a person.
