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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who 060 Medicinal Purposes

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AKA. "The One Where David Tennant Saves the Day By Hugging the Villain to Death"

The TARDIS lands the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn in Edinburgh, Christmas 1827. The Doctor immediately realises that the infamous body snatchers (and occasional murderers), William Burke and William Hare, must be around, in the middle of handing fresh corpses over to a Dr. Knox for medical tests.

The Doctor can't wait to meet the men, because however abhorrent they must have been, they were an important part of history and did it for science. Evelyn doesn't agree at all. They soon meet every single Historical Domain Character in the plot: an alcoholic whore named Mary, a mentally disabled street performer named Daft Jamie (David Tennant!), Hare (who's trying to get it on with Mary), and Knox. Suspiciously absent, however, is Burke, so team TARDIS goes off to investigate. Also, the Doctor, very nostalgic for daft young Scottish men named Jamie, takes Daft Jamie under his wing.

Dr. Knox, a classic Card-Carrying Villain, tells Evelyn and Mary that he's fully aware of who the Doctor is — in fact, the Doctor is like the Jekyll to his Hyde. The Doctor points out that 1827 is, in fact, thirty years before Stephenson would even be born, let alone write Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, meaning Knox is a time traveller, meaning that things are a lot more complicated than they seem.

Knox turns out to be a human with a stolen TARDIS (don't ask how — the episode never really explains it) who was hired by some aliens to do virus tests on humans for medicinal purposes. Sadly, alcohol grants immunity to the virus, so coming to Edinburgh really wasn't the smartest thing to do. Luckily, a few murders in, Knox realised that he could also just set up a "Groundhog Day" Loop, keep on murdering everyone over and over in creative ways (sometimes involving Hare and Burke, sometimes not), and charge some other aliens to watch. Sadly, this means that the web of time is close to tearing apart. Luckily, Daft Jamie is able to see through the loop, thanks to being Inspirationally Disadvantaged. Even more luckily, Jamie isn't immune to The Virus because he doesn't drink, so the Doctor simply takes him into the TARDIS, vworps over to a month later (just outside the "Groundhog Day" Loop), and casually tells Jamie that Knox is the reason Jamie's now famous. Leaving out the part where Jamie's fame is because he's dead. Jamie's so delighted that he hugs Knox to bits... infecting him with The Virus. The Doctor happily leaves a very scared Knox behind, vworps back to 1827, and drops Jamie off on the street so he can go get killed by Hare and Burke. With the timeline reset, the Doctor has to admit that he hates having to send people to their deaths like that, but that it's all part of the big picture.

