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Recap / Animaniacs Episode 82

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Airdate: February 24, 1999

Wakko's 2-Note Song: While on a road trip with Dr. Scratchansniff, the Warners show him how even a two-note song can be a wonderful thing.

Panama Canal: Yakko sings about the canal to the tune of "15 Miles on the Erie Canal (Low Bridge)".

Hello Nurse: Wakko sings all about the (supposed) achievements of the titular bombshell.

The Ballad of Magellan: The Warners sing about the ill-fated voyage of the titular Portuguese skipper to the tune of "Git Along, Little Doggies" (with a few inaccuracies).

The Return of the Great Wakkorotti: Unfortunately, the Great Wakkorotti has come down with laryngitis, so instead of belching, he hand farts his way through the Chinese Dance from Tschaikovsky's Nutcracker.

The Big Wrap Party Tonight: The entire cast musically celebrate the end of the season.

Wakko's 2-Note Song contains examples of:

  • Actually Quite Catchy: At first, Scratchansniff doesn't think a song can just contain two notes, but once they play it in different styles, he actually gets into the music.

Panama Canal contains examples of:

  • To the Tune of...: "Low Bridge, Everybody Down" (aka "Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal")

Hello Nurse contains examples of:

The Ballad of Magellan contains examples of:

  • Lyrical Dissonance: The song is a lively ditty about Ferdinand Magellan's ill-fated voyage to find the East Indies Islands.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: The Warners "recount" how Magellan tried to "find the East Indies" from mistaking some other (would-be) countries to his final destination to losing two ships in his fleet of five. It culminates with him dying on the Philippine Islands which they imply was close to the East Indies Islands, also "stating" his voyage failed to accomplish the task.
    Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo; farewell Magellan!
    You almost made it; it's really not fair!
    Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo, oh Ghost of Magellan,
    The East Indies Islands were right over
  • Shout-Out: When they come to Argentina, there is a poster that says "Coming Soon: Evita".
  • To the Tune of...: "Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo, Git Along, Little Doggies".
  • What Could Have Been: If the widescreen format is any indication, this short was originally intended to be released in movie theaters first.

The Return of the Great Wakkorotti contains examples of:

  • Bat Family Crossover: The orchestra accompanying the Great Wakkorotti is made up of the Animaniacs cast.
  • Gasshole: Since the Great Wakkorotti is unable to belch, he turns to hand farting instead. But the last sound did not come from his hands, if you get my drift.
  • The Show Must Go On: The announcer informs the audience that the Great Wakkorotti has contracted laryngitis, but "however, being the professional that he is, he has insisted that the show must go on," to the applause of the audience.

The Big Wrap Party Tonight contains examples of:
