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Recap / All For Luz - Chapter 26

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S3, P1 - Ep 3: A Late Start To A Wacky World - Part 3

Amity struggles to find enough money to get her mother the perfect birthday present. While exploring this new world, she comes across someone who suffered from All For One and is followed by another witch.

This chapter contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass: In the show he's just a reporter, here Perry Porter manged to build and design an entire Underground City right underneath Bonesborough, which its roughly the same size, without Emperor Belos or his coven noticing for 14 years.
  • Adaptational Curves: In the show, Perry Porter has an average build, here he's described as more broad and muscular in appearance.
  • Adaptational Explanation: According to Amity, some witches have darker skin like African humans due to originating from Glandus, a part of the Boiling Isles which has more out in the sun compared to other places, which led to their skin having more melanin.
  • Adaptational Villainy: On the show Gus's dad is only a TV reporter, here in the story he's a follower of All For One and runs tournament where it's okay to kill people in.
  • Affably Evil: Perry runs a Deadly Game tournament and is a supporter of the original All For One. Other than that, he's a chill guy. Especially if you're a fellow All For One ally.
  • Age Lift:
    • Unlike the show where she's in her mid-40s, here Odalia is about to turn36.
    • Averted with Perry. Unlike his classmates in the show, Eda and Odalia, he's still in his mid-40s.
  • The Alcoholic: Implied. According to Alador, Odalia drinks too much wine.
  • Always Night: The Underdark is constantly shrouded in night-like darkness, due to being underground, which is why it has glow-shrooms.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Gus' father is mostly pleasant towards his son and the Blights but for the latter its because they joined All For One's side in the war. Just how much he knows about the supervillain, Belos's plans and how involved he was during the war has yet to be revealed, as he maybe an Unwitting Pawn like so many before him. Perry also entrusts his 12-year-old son to host The Underdark Tournament, despite it being common for contestants to die in them.
  • Ambiguous Situation: While its certain Yoichi's vestige inhabits Izuku's Mental World, its also possible his spirit resides in Amity's head, too.
  • Authority Sounds Deep: Perry is described as having a low and deep voice and runs an underground fight club. He also a power figure in the Underground City he designed and built.
  • Badass Creed: "Strength Above Status, Ideals Above Rules, and Emotions Above Morals."
  • Bat People: To more accurate Bat Demon inhabit the Boiling Isles.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Hindter's a large, muscular brown bear demon who joined a colosseum tournament that can become a Deadly Game with no quarrels if his opponent is a high-school girl. To him its easy cash.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: According to Amity, her mother had a hard time being honest with her regarding things that she wanted or expected from others.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Gus must be to casually admit that people die in the tournament he hosts in The Underdark colosseum.
  • Cunning Linguist: Perry can speak Japanese, All For One's native tongue, which he uses to send coded messages to his allies. Odalia's the only one in her family that can speak and translate the foreign language. They likely learned this from All For One.
  • Cyclops: The cyclopes in this story are human-sized with gray skin and are known for their lack of patience and manners. They're often seen as the dredges of society, even below Unique individuals and just barely above trolls.
  • Dark World: Downplayed. The Underdark is like an exact copy of Bonesborough, the town above, but its moral alignment isn't much worse than it.
  • A Day in the Limelight: This chapter focuses on Amity and Luz/Toshiko is only barely mentioned.
  • Deadly Game: Unlike the witch's duals above ground, which are known for often causing gratuitous harm to the combatants, here in The Underdark Tournament killing the opponent is perfectly acceptable.
  • Don't Tell Mama: Amity doesn't want her mother to know she took part in Fight Clubbing to get enough money to buy her a birthday present.
  • Eat the Rich: Downplayed. The citizens of The Underdark don't a high opinion on most elites, but they do allow them into the city.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: There is far less Fantastic Racism in The Underdark than on the surface, being friendlier to social outcasts than above ground, despite it being run by All For One's followers.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: She's more of a jerk than a villain, but still, Boscha loves her mother.
  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Odalia wanted a black diamond ring for her birthday more than anything else in the world (besides her family).
  • Evil Is Not Well-Lit: The Underdark, a town mostly controlled by All For One's followers, is constantly shrouded in night-like darkness, due to being underground.
  • Fantastic Caste System: There are a lot of different species in The Boiling Isles, and atop of that there's a cast system in this story. Witches were at the top, followed by demons, Unique Children, Cyclopses, and finally the trolls at the bottom.
  • Fantastic Racism: The Blight twins have a low opinion and are rude to Quirk users and cyclopes. Apparently they got their low views on Quirk users from their father, mostly likely from his awful experience with All For One, despite having a loving wife and daughter that have Quirks. Odalia raised Amity to defy this trope.
  • Fight Clubbing: There's a giant stadium built in The Underdark for this here. Amity takes part in The Underdark Tournament to win enough money to buy her mom a nice birthday present.
  • Forgotten Birthday: Downplayed. Last year Amity forgot to get Odalia a birthday present. While the girl felt guilty about it and wants to make up for it, Odalia didn't hold it against her.
  • Full-Boar Action: Juger is a Pig Demon that takes part in a Deadly Game match.
  • A Gift for Themselves: Odalia believes this trope depreciates the value of the present.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: Amity doesn't understand the point of racsim.
  • Good Is Not Soft: According to his son, Perry may be kind to everyone in general, he might not show that same kindness if they cross him.
  • Greed: Averted. This Odalia could care less about material desires when compared to her family.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Amity is in this mode as she's dismissed by a rude vendor as she's just short on money to buy her mother a much wanted birthday present: black diamond ring. This is due to her forgetting to get her a gift last year, even though Odalia didn't hold it against her.
  • Internal Reveal: Perry has heard rumours of someone called Shigaraki arriving in Bonesborough and wants to join forces with them to overthrow Belos and liberate the Boiling Isles from the tyrant.
  • Jerkass: The Blight twins can be quite unpleasant to those they see as beneath them. The cyclops vendor isn't much nicer to Amity.
  • Kick the Dog: The Fantastic Caste System was likely put in place by Emperor Belos to further oppress the minorities in the Boiling Isles.
  • La Résistance: If his message to Odalia is any indication, Perry plans on raising a rebellion to overthrow Belos, with Toshiko helping him kill The Emperor.
    Perry: The time has come. The revolution will soon begin. For the sake of our glorious leader, we will prevail.
  • Large-Ham Announcer: Gus plays this up for The Underdark Tournament. This makes sense since he sees his illusion magic, the coven track he's on, as "magic with showmanship".
  • Locked Out of the Loop: So far Belos has no idea that an entire Underground City exists right under his nose. Because of this, The Underdark is a safe haven for those who had rejected society and cast aside the law.
  • Mushroom House: Many of the houses in The Underdark seemingly made of giant mushrooms, with smaller ones growing from them. Their the stalks have glassless windows carved into it with stone doors. Dark blue mushrooms are for those in power, compared to the usual red and brown ones. There were no chimneys most likely because mushrooms were very flammable.
  • Name-Meaning Change: In the show Augustus is given the nickname Gus by Luz, here he's already called that due to Augustus being "too wordy" in conversations.
  • Neon City: The Underdark falls into this category by necessity since the only light it gets is artificial from glow-shrooms in the place of street lamps.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Gus's full name is Augustus but rarely goes by it due to having too many syllables in it.
  • Our Trolls Are Different: Trolls are at the bottom of the social ladder and are the ones that got the most brunt of the beatings. They were often treated less than dirt and were often victims of hate crimes. Even cyclopes use their higher power over them. They also don't smile, mostly because their faces were formed into permanent neutral expressions or scowls. Their eyes show their true emotion.
  • Properly Paranoid: Perry's very strict when it comes to newcomers to The Underdark and gets unhappy when Gus invites them to their house. This is due to fact that he gained trust issues after what happened during the war and the city he built was done so illegally.
  • Secret Underground Passage: The entrance to The Underdark is from the surface is through this at the back of the Porter family house with a staircase leading to it.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Perry wears thick-framed glasses and was smart enough to plan and build a giant Underground City in just over a decade right under Belos's nose as a passion project.
  • Spider People: Or rather Spider Demons exist in the Boiling Isles.
  • Spock Speak: Odalia taught Amity to speak formally with a small bow when greeting people.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Gus and and his father look a lot a like to Amity.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: Amity sees killing as beneath her and refuses to stoop to that monstrous level.
  • Underground City: The Underdark is roughly around the same size and layout of Bonesborough, the largest town in the Boiling Isles, with facilities like a school, a library, and even its own museum. It also has a colosseum the size of Hexside.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Hindter assumes beating Amity will be a cakewalk, completely unaware she's a wielder of One For All.
  • Unstable Powered Child: Being born with One For All, Amity often broke things when she was little, with Odalia mostly focused with raising her due to also possessing Super-Strength, too.
  • Vice City: The Underdark is this compared to Bonesborough but downplayed, being more big on freedom and individuality here.
  • Wild Card: Amity considers Grun to be this due to being a wild witch.
  • Working-Class Hero: Willow's family isn't very rich but still tries to do good.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Hindter doesn't care what his opponent's gender is, he has no plans on holding back to get that prize money.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Hindter's opponent being a teenager, Amity, doesn't make him pause or even consider going easy on the child.
    Hindter: I’m gonna rip out ya insides, little brat. Easiest 100 Snails I’ll ever make.
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: All For One's followers are the resistance to some of those that don't follow Belos's rule to many, despite the death toll.
