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Radar / Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats

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  • This exchange between Riff Raff and Cleo regarding her dog companion, Bush, in "Carnival Capers":
    Riff Raff: (whistles seductively as he walks up to Cleo)
    Cleo: (posing in the mirror) You like what you see?
    Riff Raff: You're the best looking thing on four legs, baby!
    Cleo: (turns to the side, sees Bush wake up.) Uh-oh. It's Bush!
    Riff Raff: Things are gonna get hairy... for Bush.
  • Wordsworth spends the entirety of "Debutante Ball" "exhausted from listening to rock-n-roll nonstop for a week straight".
  • The premise of "Kitten Around": Riff Raff convinces Cleo to "go steady" in a scene that plays out like a marriage proposal (lacking only a ring); he then immediately starts seeing new girl Roxy behind her back.
    • Cleo kissing Riff Raff is accompanied by a "boing" sound effect.
    • Later, when Roxy finally reveals to Cleo that Riff Raff never mentioned that he already had a girlfriend and was, in fact, two-timing with them, which makes them join forces and set a trap against him. When he falls and sees them together leaving him behind, he asks them where they're going, with Cleo just answering wouldn't you like to know. Isn't that usually a Les Yay development?
  • In another episode, Riff Raff mentions that Cleo moving in would mean less time spent chasing her for "inte...lligent conversation"
  • In "Scaredy Cats", Riff Raff is jealous of Renfield, an artist Cleo expresses interest in.
    Cleo: Renfield knows all about painting, dance, music, poetry...
    Riff Raff: I know poetry, too! Wordsworth, tell Cleo some of the poetry I know.
    Wordsworth: There was an old cat from Des Moines/ Who put fleas in his sister's-*Cleo shoves him off screen* Ooh!
    Cleo: That wasn't quite what I had in mind.
    • Near the end of that episode, Cleo is made to believe that Riff Raff fell and died against the horrors of Farthing Hall, which makes her cry inconsolably. But then, after Riff Raff reveals to be alive and well, Cleo falls into his arms overly relieved and covering him with hugs and kisses. Hector knows that Glad-to-Be-Alive Sex is about to happen, so he suggests the others to leave them alone.
  • In "Terrible Tammy", Tammy foils Heathcliff's plans to steal from the milkman. When they meet in a dark sewer, Tammy asks Heathcliff if he wants some milk.
  • The ending of "Search for a Star" when Cleo hints for Riff Raff to join her for a nightly stroll. As she leaves, she pauses for a bit to show off her rear as she raises her tail. An excited Riff Raff runs off after her.
