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Playing With / Sultry Belly Dancer

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Basic Trope: A female character always wears a stereotypical belly dancing outfit, and is notably attractive.

  • Straight: Amani is a beautiful belly dancer from the story's "Arabian Nights" Days-themed region. She wears a revealing, two-piece dancing outfit with lots of gaudy gold jewelry, she has her waist-length hair tied up in an elaborate braid or enormous ponytail, and she isn't shy about impromptu performances.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Amani knows how to belly dance and is conventionally attractive, but doesn't ever see the need to dress in a belly dancing outfit, wear flashy jewelry, or bare her midriff.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Amani is a belly dancer, but in her native culture, a belly dancer's traditional garb is lots of heavy clothing and enveloping robes, leading many to question why the art is called "belly dancing" in the first place.
  • Gender-Inverted: Baqil is a male belly dancer, always clad in belly dancing attire.
  • Subverted:
    • The traditional belly dancing outfit of Amani's culture is actually quite conservative.
    • Amani doesn't want to wear the stereotypical outfit, as she finds it to be too revealing.
    • Amani wears the typical outfit, but is intensely unattractive.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Amani finds the outfit to be too restrictive, so she makes some adjustments.
    • Amani constantly ends up in situations where she has to distract or seduce, so she ends up having to wear the skimpier outfit anyway, much to her chagrin.
    • Amani's ugliness stems from a curse, that she eventually dispels.
  • Parodied: From inside a changing booth, Amani asks everyone not to gawk when she comes out, as she's putting on the dancing garb of her native culture. She steps out of the booth, and we see that she is wearing an over-the-top disco outfit.
  • Zig-Zagged: From time to time, Amani will don one or two elements of the stereotypical attire, but generally avoids wearing the whole ensemble at once. Finally, in a situation where she has to put on a lengthy performance, she wears the entire outfit at once, and decides that she actually enjoys it.
  • Averted: Amani plans to purchase a typical belly dancing outfit, but can never seem to find one anywhere.
  • Enforced: "We need more Fanservice without making anyone look like a slut. Hey, let's draw on a cultural practice with revealing clothes!"
  • Lampshaded: "Do you ever find it weird that Amani wears that outfit all the time? Even when it's cold?" "For her, it's a cultural thing, okay. Don't make it weird."
  • Invoked: Fighter Bob buys the outfit for Amani as a gift, while claiming it's a sign of respect for her culture.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: Fighter Bob asks Amani, why not wear a traditional belly dancing outfit all the time? Amani scowls.
  • Discussed: "Amani's a belly dancer, you see. And this is how they dress... all the time, apparently. Look, it's a cultural thing."
  • Conversed: "So they've got this Amani character now. Her thing is belly dancing." "Yeah, I figured that one out by myself."
  • Implied: Fighter Bob tells Sorceress Alice about his encounter with a belly dancer named Amani, and how she had, er, a very pretty outfit on.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Amani gets cold easily, when the party has to traverse cooler climates.
    • Amani has to deal with constant catcalls and jeers from crass men.
    • Amani has to combat assumptions that she's either a stripper or a sex worker.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
    • The constant catcalling from men starts to weigh on Amani's spirit, and she starts to wonder if a wardrobe change is in order.
    • Amani's searing attractiveness leads other female characters to envy and resent her.
    • One of the villains is enchanted by Amani's looks, and can't bring themselves to seriously fight the party on account of their secret love.

Come and watch the performance, back at Sultry Belly Dancer.
