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Playing With / Rage Against the Heavens

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Basic Trope: A character, religious or otherwise, rebels against a deity.

  • Parodied: A list of complaints is circulated in the parish with Sarah's name attached. She claims ignorance of where it came from.
  • Zig Zagged: Sarah rants herself out, then immediately goes into the booth for absolution, only to come back the next week and do the same thing all over again. At least she's consistent.
  • Averted: Sarah's life never goes deep enough into the toilet to get her to rage at God.
  • Enforced: Sarah is only human. God would be surprised if she didn't crack at least once.
  • Lampshaded: "Look out, Father, Sarah's winding up for another jaw with the Lord."
  • Invoked: God is testing Sarah, and her reaction to the test is part of the test itself.
  • Exploited: The Secret League of Devil-Worshippers is conspiring to make Sarah renounce her faith and join their ranks, with the final step being a rant that turns her totally against God.
  • Defied: Sarah sings God's praises all day every day, no matter what.
  • Discussed: The church father gives a sermon on living with God's judgment, parts of which are not too subtly directed at Sarah.
  • Conversed: God and Sarah talk in a dream about her troubles.
  • Implied: Sarah's prayers and ministrations are neglected.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Sarah's attitude toward God disintegrates to the point where she can no longer be considered pious. She's kicked out of her church, resulting in a downward spiral that leaves her spiritually broken and resentful against God, both now and in the hereafter.
    • The character in question turns out to be a hypocritical evil religious fanatic who has absolutely no regard for the texts he proclaims to follow, caring only about getting himself a free ticket to his god's afterlife where he believes he will be rewarded for his evil actions. In his twisted view, anyone he has exterminated is evil, a loser and unworthy, and thus his actions are a virtue that will be validated by his deity. When the deity in question makes it plainly clear that not only is he (and his religious sect) completely and utterly wrong, and that their heinous actions have only ensured that they will NEVER get into the god's realm unless they atone, the fanatic goes absolutely berserk, threatening to destroy his deity until he gets what he wants...which does not end well. Ultimately, his rage is nothing more than a childish hate-filled temper tantrum by a deeply corrupt soul who has never had to face the consequences of his actions.
  • Reconstructed: Sarah's rebellion was all part of God's plan. She becomes a better person for having suffered her dark night of the soul, and becomes kinder to those who have lost their way after losing hers, bringing dozens more souls back to the flock in the process.
  • Played for Laughs: Sarah questions the existence of a loving God when the church bake sale runs out of donuts.
  • Played for Drama: Having faithfully served the church her whole life, Sarah's predicament is both shocking and dolorous enough to make her question why it's being meted out. She redoubles her efforts, putting strain both on herself and on the other members of her parish, with disastrous results.

"Let the day perish wherein I was born. Oh, and you can go back to Rage Against The Heavens here, I guess."
