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Playing With / Big "NO!"

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Basic Trope: A character screams the word "No!" at length when faced with a crisis or tragedy.

  • Straight: Bob yells "'Nooo!" when he sees Emperor Evulz stab Alice, his girlfriend, in the heart.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The scream lasts for ten hours.
    • Bob's scream of "Nooo!" is loud enough that the entire universe can hear it!
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob utters an intense, but shorter "NO!" when he sees Alice get stabbed.
    • Bob gives a quiet Little "No" in despair and disbelief after Alice dies.
    • Bob sees Evulz stab Alice, but gives off a Blunt "No" because he's seen this trick before. Evulz is using an illusion to try and break his spirit.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is shocked and wants to do something, but can't.
    • Bob is a Large Ham.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Bob looks like he's about shout "No!", but gets cut off before he can.
    • "!"
    • Bob is about to shout "OH NO!", but he lowers his voice mid-sentence, so it comes out as "OH... no."
    • Bob lets out an Atomic F-Bomb instead.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Once the distraction is dealt with, Bob is free to shout "Nooo!"
    • ", nooo!"
    • After that, he yells "Nooo!"
  • Parodied:
    • Bob's yell of "Nooo!" is so long, he's obligated to take a deep breath during it before continuing.
    • Bob stares blankly for ten seconds before suddenly shouting "Nooo!!!"
    • Bob is prompted to scream "Nooo!" by the most minor and trivial of problems.
    • Bob starts screaming "Nooo!" to the sky. A few seconds after he starts, a choir shows up out of nowhere and joins him.
    • Bob yelling “Nooo!” is used as an Overly Long Gag.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some of the characters get a Heroic BSoD when something bad happens, others scream the Big "NO!". Naturally, if there is more than one battle, the people will switch which reaction they have.
  • Averted: Bob says nothing during moments of tragedy and crisis.
  • Enforced: "This is a dramatic moment, people! There must be a loud 'No'!"
  • Lampshaded: "That was the biggest 'No' I ever heard!"
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited: Bob purposely yells loudly to distract Evulz's mooks.
  • Defied:
    • Charles, Bob's friend punches Bob out if it even looks like he's going to scream "Nooo!"
    • Bob realizes that the circumstances would make shouting dangerous. So instead he uses body language to convey his feelings.
  • Discussed: "Oh no, Alice is killed! Will Bob shout a loud 'No' like that shitty movie I watched?"
  • Conversed: "Oh my god, that sounded like that one scene from that show I was watching!"
  • Implied: In a silent film, Bob reacts to Alice's murder with a Skyward Scream. Evulz responds by stabbing Alice again.
  • Deconstructed: Bob's yell of "Nooo!" blows his cover, sending Evulz straight for him.
  • Reconstructed: Bob's scream of "Nooo!" causes him to be spotted by Evulz, but Bob still manages to escape.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob yell of "Nooo!" when he finds out that there are no more snacks in his pantry.
  • Played for Drama: Bob scream of "Nooo!" when he learns that all his friends and family are dead.
  • Played for Horror: Bob's yell of "Nooo!" is used as a Jump Scare.

