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Pantheon / GUAN Natural Activists

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Someone has to promote the cause of the GUAN; force and whining about things isn't always going to work. The Natural Activists serve as activism for the environment and the GUAN's dedication to promoting it. As such, they tend to be the GUAN group most amiable and diplomatic to the other alliances. However this means messing with them is the easiest way to become enemies with the GUAN.

The Natural Activists are in an open hall in the middle of a rustic town, right at the edge of the GUAN's territories. Gravel roads lead from here to the rest of the pantheon.

The Grand Activist(s)

The Lorax, God of Green Aesops

  • Lesser God
  • Symbol: A Truffula Tree.
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Head of: The Natural Activists
  • Reason for joining: To make sure that industrialists and businessmen don't ruin nature
  • Dedication to Nature: Extreme, given his position as a Nature Spirit
  • Loyalty to Gaea: High. He does protest her more amoral moments, and those of his team leaders, but otherwise remains dedicated to her ideals.
  • Threat level: Medium. An important voice for the trees, though ultimately on the weaker side for the Nature Council

The Planeteersmembers: , Divine Team of Teens Chosen To Save The World

  • Lesser Deities with their rings, Demigods/Quasideities without them
  • Symbol: Their rings
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Reason for joining: Having been chosen by Gaia herself, they were of course going to goin the GUAN.
  • Dedication to Nature: Very High.
  • Loyalty to Gaea: Nigh-Unshakable, though only for the Planeteer incarnation. Somewhat less so for the others depending on their regards for humans.
  • Threat Level: Medium-High individually, higher since learning how to use their elements from others in the Pantheon, and higher still since they can summon Captain Planet.

Messengers of Nature and Beastkind

Lisa Marie Simpson, Goddess of Intelligent Loners

  • Lesser Goddess
  • Symbol: A Saxophone, or alternately, a Picket Sign
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, but sometimes Neutral Good or Chaotic Good
  • Reason for joining: To have the power to shut down polluted
  • Dedication to Nature: Very high. She's a nature activist and passionate on her beliefs.
  • Loyalty to Gaea: Medium-high. Her Soapbox Sadie personality makes the GUAN and Gaea very appealing, but even in the Lighter and Softer stories she's allowed to read she knows Gaea has a nasty side that she's concerned about.
  • Threat Level: Low. She's a smart cookie, but is otherwise a normal eight year old girl.

Maxie and Archie, Gods of Sensitive Guys and Manly Men (Matsubusa and Aogiri)

Rubeus Hagrid, God of Naive Animal Lovers (Hagrid, Professor Hagrid, Hagger, Hagrid, Hagger)

  • Lesser God
  • Symbol: His pink umbrella
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Reason for joining: To wrangle and look after the magical creatures and monsters in the GUAN.
  • Dedication to Nature: Medium, though his naivety can be a liability.
  • Loyalty to Gaea: Mild. His loyalty to her is more a matter of his love of animals and by extension nature.
  • Threat Level: Medium-high.

Sir David Fredrick Attenborough, God of Nature Documentaries

  • Quasideity
  • Symbol: A shot of earth seen from space.
  • Alignment: True Neutral (Leans towards Neutral Good)
  • Reason for joining: To get more material for his nature documentaries and enlighten people about the majesty and delicate balance of the natural world and ecosystem.
  • Dedication to Nature: Very high.
  • Loyalty to Gaea: Medium. He is aware that sometimes Nature Is Not Nice, but remains an environmentalist at the core
  • Threat Level: Low as an ordinary human, but he is a major voice for the causes of the GUAN.
  • One of the only Real Life deities to take a side in the alliances, as the others don't want to take a role in good versus evil, Order Versus Chaos, and destruction and machinery are..not safe for them. Mainly it's down to his activism and values.

Elizabeth "Eliza" Thornberry, the Goddess Who Speaks Fluent Animal

  • Lesser Goddess
  • Symbol: Her show's logo
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Reason for joining: To serve as an interpreter and linguist for the animals across and beyond the Trope Pantheon.
  • Dedication to Nature: Very high.
  • Loyalty to Gaea: Medium. She's offering the resources to put her skills to the test.
  • Threat Level: Low-average, but her lingual skills are very useful.

Barry B. Benson, God of Meme-Based Popularity (B Boy, Freddy Benson, The one who sings jazz)

  • Quasideity
  • Symbol: His yellow and black shirt
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Reason for joining: To act as a lawyer for the rights of animals mistreated and disrespected by humans(or other sentients)
  • Dedication to Nature: High. He helped gives the bees right and kept plants pollinated
  • Loyalty to Gaea: Average. More loyal to her more idealistic vision, and doesn't like her bad side.
  • Threat Level: Very low, as he's still an individual bee. Medium from an insect perspective, medium-high from a legal perspective of all things.
