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Pantheon / GUAE Fallen Stars

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The Fallen Stars were started by Melkor partly to understand what truly motivates the GUAG, but primarily to serve as a grand insult to the forces of Cosmos; an alliance consisting of former heroic beings who turned to villainy. Living proof of the sway evil has on people, all to demoralize the GUAG and convince people of Melkor's belief that evil and its domination is inevitable. And he has had a long experience of turning people against their better nature.

The league of fallen heroes is commanded by Arthas, though the Satan from Paradise Lost thinks he's a more fitting choice. However Arthas has been around longer in the GUAE, so gets a higher position. Melkor has a better job keeping an eye on his, after all. Melkor is well aware that he fell from grace, so there may be a personal desire to reflect his own past within the Fallen Stars.

House Leader

King Arthas Menethil, God of Embracing One's Inner Darkness (Crown Prince of Lordaeron, King of the fallen Lordaeron, Slaughterer/Butcher, First of the Lich King's Death Knights, Champion of The Scourge, The Lich King)

  • Greater God
  • Symbol: The Crest of the Scourge
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil, formerly Chaotic Good
  • Reason for joining: To resume his reign as the Lich King and spread the Scourge towards the Pantheon. And because "Only fools trusts the light" (not the one named 'Light Yagami')
  • Loyalty to Melkor: Medium-High. Arthas sees him as a being of power and wasn't really restricted with all those 'goody-goody' stuffs. But sometimes he wonders if he should rally the Scourge and take over...
  • Threat Level: This is one of the most dangerous beings in Azeroth, highly powerful, taking names, commands legions of undead, can convert beaten enemies to his minions... VERY HIGH.

Fallen Stars

Hal Stewart, God of Non-Evil Characters Becoming the Villain (Tighten, Titan)

  • Greater God as Tighten, Quasideity as Hal
  • Symbol: The letter "T" wrapped in flames as well as a camera
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil, closer to Chaotic Stupid
  • Reason for Joining: Most out of a need self-preservation. He doesn't want to be re-captured by the Grand United Alliance of Good or anyone who wants his powers to avoid getting depowered again. Lex Luthor, the one who returned him his powers personally endorsed his entrance into the Grand United Alliance of Evil.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: None. He ultimately only cares for himself and only works with Lex Luthor and fellow selfish wannabe superhero-turned-villain Syndrome grudgingly.
  • Threat Level: Low-Medium. Given his lack of intelligence, he tends to act as Dumb Muscle and even then he is quite scary for regular deities, females especially since they fear Hal would target them like he did with Roxanne. However, some of the Evil Genius type have complained that Hal tends to harass them unprovoked, probably given his disdain for Megamind and being reminded of him. People like Superman greatly outpace him.

Lord Drakkon, God of Despising One’s Own Alternate Selves (Thomas “Tommy” Oliver, Green Ranger, Mysterious Ranger, Ultimate Power Ranger)

  • Greater God who seeks to be an Overdeity
  • Symbol: His Power Coin
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil with a lot of Chaotic Evil tendencies
  • Reason for joining: Melkor offered him a commanding position after seeing his skill on leading an army. What sane villain would deny that offer?
  • Loyalty to Melkor: Moderate. Melkor is allowing him to kill every Ranger out there and regain his power.
  • Threat to Cosmos: Exceedingly High. He could create an entire army of Ranger-like soldiers and could drain the Morphers of any Ranger. Needless to say all toku heroes are rightfully wary of him.

Count Dooku, God of Ruthless Revolutions (Darth Tyranus)

  • Intermediate God
  • Symbol: The CIS Logo
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Reason for Joining: He was doing his own thing and did not want to join a cause with Palpatine, his killer, in it. After Vader publicly deserted the Emperor's cause and later the GUAE entirely, Palpatine forcibly brought him in as a replacement apprentice, effectively rolling the Separatist forces into the Conquest Army's ranks.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: None. He'll desert at the earliest possible opportunity, and eliminate his master and his other teacher, Sauron, along the way. He hasn't though out of fear.
  • Threat level: Medium-high.

Kazuya Mishima, God of Epic False Heroes

  • Intermediate God
  • Symbol: Devil Wings
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Reason for joining: To kill anyone who gets in his way or pisses him off (apparently, this is a very long list). Oh, and as a bonus, he is to be given complete control of the Tekken world.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: It's unknown whether Melkor is on the aforementioned list, so let's say..."mild".
  • Threat to Cosmos: Moderate to high, depending on whether or not his Devil Gene kicks in.

Dark Danny, God of Evil Future Selves (The Ultimate Enemy, Dan Phantom, Evil Danny, Dark Phantom, Dan Plasmius)

  • Greater God
  • Symbols: A white Stylized "D" on a black background with a "P" in the center.
  • Alignment: Somewhere between Chaotic Evil and Neutral Evil
  • Reason for joining: Total freedom from the laws of time, and either destroying his younger heroic self or ensuring he becomes him, depending on what's more feasible.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: Moderate. Dark Danny's a lone wolf, but stays for the carnage and the ability to traumatize the younger Danny
  • Threat level: High. Bar perhaps Pariah Dark, he's the strongest being to have ever haunted the Ghost Zone.

King Macbeth, God of Evil Ambition (Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, King of Scotland)

  • Demigod
  • Symbol: A pair of bloody hands
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Reason for joining: Reclaim the position of King of Scotland and to avenge his death.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: He's only real doing this because Melkor promised to help him, and the influence of his wife
  • Threat level: Medium

Plutonian, God of the Evil Costume Switch (Tony, Dan Hartigan, The Wolf-Boy)

  • Greater God (potentially an Overdeity)
  • Symbol: His Chest Insignia
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil (originally tried to be Lawful Good)
  • Reason for joining: To kill every superhero in fiction and be free to do whatever he likes with his superpowers to whoever dares criticize or doubt him.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: Just as long as Melkor helps him like he promised, the Plutonian will stick by him.
  • Threat level: Very high, as to be expected by a deranged Superman Substitute. EXTREME should he realize his full potential.

The Dark Knights, Divine Group of The Darker Route Not Taken (The Batman Who Laughs: Bruce Wayne of Earth-22 | The Dawnbreaker: Bruce Wayne of Earth-32 | The Devastator: Bruce Wayne of Earth-1 | The Drowned: Bryce Wayne of Earth-11 | The Merciless: Bruce Wayne of Earth-12 | The Murder Machine: Bruce Wayne of Earth-44 | The Red Death: Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen of Earth-52)

  • Lesser God (The Batman Who Laughs), Intermediate Gods (The Dawnbreaker, The Murder Machine, The Red Death), Intermediate Goddess (The Drowned), Greater Gods (The Devastator, The Merciless)
  • Symbol: The Batman cowl shaped like a skull, and a Bat Symbol on the forehead
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (the Barry Allen trapped in the Red Death) Lawful Evil (The Murder Machine), Neutral Evil (The Drowned, The Red Death), Chaotic Evil (The Batman Who Laughs, The Dawnbreaker, The Devastator and The Merciless)
  • Reason for joining: Part of Barbatos' partnership with Melkor, and promises of their own worlds. Specific goals are to enforce his vision of justice (the Murder Machine), flood the world and destroy metahumans (the Drowned), to undo his personal tragedy (the Red Death), to bring out the worse of people and general For the Evulz behavior (the Batman Who Laughs), to make people suffer because he hates other people's happiness (the Dawnbreaker), the death of every single Superman (the Devastator) and general conquest (the Merciless)
  • Loyalty to Melkor: Varies depending on the member. Most are reluctant because they have their own visions of a better world, but Melkor is the best help to achieve it. No-one trusts the Red Death because he's only half-Bruce Wayne. However the Dawnbreaker is happy to serve Melkor to express his spite, which is something Melkor understands all too well. And the Batman Who Laughs comes and goes as he pleases, but is jubilant at the desire to cause overwhelming cataclysm under the GUAE
  • Threat level: Varies, but even without the resistances dark matter gives them they are essential an evil Justice League. So very high, with the Devastator and the Merciless being the most powerful and the Batman Who Laughs the most cunning.

Thaal Sinestro, God of Villainous Predecessors To The Hero

  • Intermediate God (Greater God when using Parallax)
  • Symbol: The Symbol of his own Corps
  • Alignment: Zigzags between Lawful Evil and Lawful Neutral (Currently Lawful Neutral)
  • Reason for joining: Not the first time he worked with a much worse evil to achieve his "greater good and order" goals. The GUAE has plenty of members who instill great fear that can serve his purposes.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: None whatsoever. Sinestro is using Melkor for his own plans, and will turn on him as he sees fit. He would've worked under YHVH with the same irreverence (and it fits being he's order-oriented) but he can't exploit YHVH's personality and ego. Within the GUAE there's more to recruit.
  • Threat level: High. Sinestro has wielded multiple power rings and is an exceptionally brilliant chessmaster.

Mordred, God of Inbred Villains (Merdaut, Merdrawt, Sir Mordred, Usurper High King of England)

  • Intermediate God
  • Symbol: His sword, Clarent (which he swiped from Arthur)
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil (originally Lawful Good)
  • Reason for joining: The chance to once and for all kill his father King Arthur and take Britain for himself.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: From the arch-traitor of Arthurian legend? While Mordred will work with Melkor, it's only for his own end and will work to banish Melkor from his land once he gets what he wants
  • Threat Level: Varies on the incarnation, usually medium.

Century King Shadow Moon, God of Villainous Counterparts (Nobuhiko Akizuki, The Prince of Shadows)

  • Intermediate God
  • Symbol: The Gorgom Symbol
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil, due to brainwashing (Nobuhiko was used to be Neutral Good)
  • Reason for joining: As commanded by his brainwashing, Shadow Moon only felt it was proper to join Melkor’s conquests.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: Moderate. Is mostly there by obligation.
  • Threat to Cosmos: Very High. It got to a point Cosmos had to personally warn others of how dangerous Shadow Moon was by the sheer persistence and skill he has when it comes to fighting others.

Odio, God of Evil By Expectance (Odio the Lord of Dark, Odo, Ou Di Wan Lee, Ode Iou, O. Dio, Odie O'Bright, Odeo, OD-10, Oersted)

  • Greater God
  • Symbol: Statues of a Tyrannosaurus rex, an Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy, a tyrannical warlord, a thug with Gatling Gun, a bald fighter, a bird-like 'buddha statue', a Nightmare Face, with a black, cloaky figure at the center.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Reasons for joining: Humans Are Bastards. They pin the blame on him, think he's some demon after all his unwavering service to them. And the other Gods are no better. If they expect him to be evil to the point that he has nothing to love, believe in or call home, nothing but DEMONS/EVIL GOD, then an Evil God he'll be, and he'll show them the futility of their selfishness. Nyarlathotep has a lot of fun leading him by the nose.
  • Loyalty to Melkor: High. Melkor isn't those humans that blamed him and caused him to snap and is also supporting of his whole mindset.
  • Threat Level: EXTREME. He can materialize anywhere as long as there is hatred. And he has the capability to cause the destruction of EVERYTHING in case he felt like a Sore Loser.
