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Nightmare Fuel / Young Justice

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For the animated series, see Young Justice (2010).

Original Comics

  • Harm. In a series that was mostly lighthearted, just about everything about teenaged sociopath Harm was scary, especially his origin - He murdered his adopted sister - who later became Secret - in order to gain demonic powers.
  • The Thugee arc, in which a Hindu death cult brainwashes children via a children's television show, is a mostly ridiculous story that has a horrifying denouement where Traya falls under the cult's spell and pushes her own mother out of a window.
  • In "Liberty Throughout the Land", one of Traya's classmates loses her parents in a terrorist attack in Bialya, and when they find out that Traya herself is from Bialya, they gang up on her and attack her.
  • Secret, while often The Cutie, has a terrifying dark side. It turns out she's a Psychopomp that ushers souls onward by devouring them. While this would normally be only a bit unsettling, she's shown to be fully capable of doing the same to living people. This is how Agua Sin Gaaz meets his end, and the other characters are visibly disturbed by her casual description of what's happening to him inside of her. And worse, when she's corrupted by Darkseid, she ends up eating the entire DEO and Stephanie Brown, and tells Robin that she plans on devouring literally everyone on Earth. Thankfully, those victims are released when she's Brought Down to Normal, but one shudders to think of what would have happened if Robin hadn't been able to talk her down.
