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Nightmare Fuel / Sin City

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  • Kevin. Just... Kevin. When most fans agree that he is the scariest character in this kind of movie, that's saying something!
  • Marv is not a man you want to piss off:
    • We don't see how he kills the cop who shot Lucille. All we know is that it ended with him showing him the pieces of himself.
    • Kevin's death, while deserved, is horrifying. Marv hacks off his limbs with a hacksaw, used rubber tubing as turniquets and had his pet wolf eat him. The disturbing part is that his facial expression never changes.
      Marv: He never screams. Not even when the mutt's had his fill and Kevin's guts are spilling all over the place. Somehow the bastard is still alive, smiling that damn smile. Not even when I grab the saw and finish the job.
    • We also don't see how he kills Cardinal Roark, only blood splatting on him. All we do know is that he used his bare hands and it was slow and painful.
    • In A Dame to Kill For, when Dwight tells Marv about the (alleged) abuse being suffered by Ava, it's said that "his eyes go killer red." In the film this is shown to be literal, with Marv giving a Death Glare with red eyes.
  • The fact that Hartigan mentions that the cops always turn up just too late to catch Roarke Junior raping and killing three girls just goes to show how deep the corruption goes in Sin City's police force. note 
  • The Farm at North Cross and Lennox is a nightmare factory. Listen to what Marv, Hartigan, Dwight and Wallace have to say about it:
    Marv: This is a bad place, this farm. People have died here. The wrong way.
    Hartigan: You're not a rookie for a week before some dead-eyed veteran gives you the word. Don't ask about the farm at North Cross and Lennox. Don't even think about it. Go there, and you cease to exist. There won't even be a corpse. It's a place where very bad things have been going on for a very long time. Generations. Junior came by his proclivities honestly.
    Dwight: The farm. Twenty acres and you could have it for a song, but nobody's buying. There was bad business here, bad enough to make people think it's haunted. Bad business—and I've got a buddy sitting on death row because of it.
    Wallace (regarding the farm): Spooky place. Bad things have happened here.
    • It's quite telling that even the most badass characters in the series acknowledge the fact that the Roark Family Farm is a hellish place.
  • Hartigan castrating Junior with his bare hands. Even if he did deserve it, it'll make any male squirm a little.
    • Followed by Hartigan killing Junior by bashing his face in with his fists. Narration describes that he doesn't stop until his fists go through the yellow mush that used to be Junior's head.
      Hartigan: "Pretty soon I realize that all I'm doing is pounding wet chips of bone into the floorboards, so I stop."
  • "Recognize my voice, Hartigan? Recognize my voice, you piece-of-shit cop? I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice!" That Yellow Bastard indeed. The book is pretty nasty with him showing his face again, but the movie's grotesque prosthetic effects that make him resemble a Klown and Nick Stahl's acting just makes it even creepier.
    • Even worse afterwards. Junior reveals that he was not in a coma for those eight years (though he may have been for some) and has been raping and murdering little girls the whole time.
      "They've all screamed, Hartigan. Dozens of them, maybe hundreds." "Eight years worth of girls."
  • Wallenquist's "human resources" operation. Sex slavery (including children), organ harvesting, production of violent and illegal pornography and even the selling of live babies. The cops are paid to ignore it and Herr Wallenquist has a staff of assassins to make sure the operation stays running.
