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Nightmare Fuel / Phantasy Star IV

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The stuff of nightmares. And this is just the first form.

Moments pages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.

  • The fate of the passengers of the Generation Ship that crash-landed near Nalya. They were citizens of Parma who fled the planet before it exploded, but unfortunately the ship took extensive damage from the exploding planet. It soon became trapped in an orbit around Motavia, where it remained for one thousand years. The passengers were trapped on the ship as it maintained a slowly decaying orbit around Motavia, unable to escape. They escaped the destruction of their homeland, only to find themselves locked in a prison with no hope. By the time the ship finally crashed into Motavia, all that remained was the ship’s computer as all life on the ship had eventually died out. And it’s never revealed how they all died.
  • The player finally meeting the Profound Darkness. It initially appears as a pitch black mass of what appear to be tentacles. The protagonists feel its emotions just from being near it, all the entity feels is a burning hatred for all life and a desire to destroy. This truly lets the player know that if it gets free it will be the end of Algo, and possibly far more. The actual boss fight isn't any better with music that feels like something out of horror game while the Profound Darkness turns into a bizarre mass of flesh with over a dozen mouths all full of long pointed teeth, and over a dozen bright red eyes. Once the first form is beat the Profound Darkness appears to disintegrate just to reassemble as a mass of tentacles covered by a spikey insect like exoskeleton. And it still has a number of red eyes. From what appears to be a mouth are four tentacles that end in spikes, like teeth. When this form is defeated the Profound Darkness reassembles again, this time taking a humanoid form. This resembles a naked woman, with a number of odd limbs somewhat resembling wings coming out of its back and head that end in giant spikes. The music gets far more intense with this phase, and it also uses Megid. It gives the hint that the Profound Darkness is done playing around and is sparring no effort to murder the main characters.
