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Tear Jerker / Phantasy Star IV

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  • Alys' death. When she is injured by Zio's Black Wave attack shortly before his death, she becomes seriously ill and the characters rush her to a Trauma Inn. It proves ineffective, and after a significant amount of bed-rest Alys' condition deteriorates. She dies in what's perhaps one of the least flashy, most realistic and most sombre RPG deaths ever.
  • The ultimate fate of the citizens of Mile. When the Profound Darkness breached the world, a massive hole opened up south of Mile. The same dark wave that killed Alys strikes the town, killing everyone. If the party visits Mile before entering the hole, the town is littered with corpses. The rancher, the woman trying to sweep sand away…the quirky villagers you had seen earlier in the game are all gone.
    • Adding to the Tear Jerker is the state of Piata after the arrival of the Profound Darkness. The citizens are unharmed but they know something awful happened in Mile and everyone is scared or mourning. One particular gut punch is one of the students, whose family lived in Mile, wondering if they were okay. They’re not.
