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Nightmare Fuel / Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

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"Junpei knew in that instant that he would take the image before him to the grave."

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Nonary Game. Nine people wake up on an abandoned ship in the middle of the ocean and are given the task of passing through a series of numbered doors and solve puzzles until they find the exit: a door marked with a number 9. Not that you can simply pass through any door you want: every participant has a numbered bracelet mounted on their wrist and only 3-5 people can pass through a door at a time, either by adding up their numbers or making a digital root that matches the door's number. In other words, you have to trust the other players you just met if you want to survive. Don't think about messing with the bracelets either; doing that or failing to find the deactivation device (DEAD) within 81 seconds after passing through a door will lead to the bomb planted inside your digestive tract going off. And the kicker? You only have nine hours to find the exit before the entire ship sinks.
    • The cast find out the consequences the hard way when the 9th Man threatens Clover at knifepoint to help him open the '5' Door for himself, only to realise that the detonator hasn't stopped counting down. Cam Clarke's very short-lived performance in the Nonary Games remaster is chillingly realistic of a man realising he's been Tricked to Death, with his last words of him pleading for his life while cursing the man (Gentaro Hongou) who tricked him into doing this, then finally letting out a bloodcurdling scream before his bomb rips him open. The cast then opens the '5' Door again, only to be greeted by his remains painting the hallway.
    • It turns out this is the second time the Nonary Game has been played. The first time? It was done with a group of children. Four executives of Cradle Pharmaceutical wanted to test if Morphogenetic Field Theory, which suggests information can be passed on telepathically, was true. To do this, they kidnapped 18 children, split them into two groups, and made one group navigate a sinking ship while the other guided their siblings from a replica building in the Nevada desert. The reason for doing all this is because fear and trauma boost the ability to access the Morphogenetic field. The children all managed to survive, but many of them, especially Akane, came out of it severely traumatized.
  • What about when Junpei, Santa, and June are stuck in the freezer? The door is frozen shut by water from a broken pipe that freezes into solid ice. While there is no time limit, freezing is unpleasant and dying of hypothermia is a very painful way to die. They barely had everything they needed to break the ice on the door and get out of the freezer alive.
  • The "Axe" ending. After Clover goes Ax-Crazy, her Slasher Smile after killing Santa, Seven, and June. She never really started acting strangely until Door 1, and when you realise she has gone to get revenge on the others, you may believe she is just being an Anti-Hero. But, she walks out calmly, covered in blood, with a demonic, but cheery, grin on her face. Junpei's own Sanity Slippage doesn't help either. He first describes Clover as if she was wearing a mask made out of human skin. Not literally, but her Slasher Smile didn't match the complete emptiness of her eyes. As he goes over the Despair Event Horizon, he starts seeing her as surrounded by a holy light, describing her as both a fierce god and a benevolent goddess filled with love. The shift in tone is completely unsettling. And then Junpei takes her hand... and you get to enjoy watching him slowly die.
    • Worst of it all? You've been warned. Via a missable joke in the previous room, by messing with the camera after activating the monitors behind it.
    • Another awful part of the ending is one that might not hit you at first. The bracelets only come off if you escape the ship or die, but Junpei still lives to see Clover walk away with his... in short, she cut off his hand!
    • A little extra bit of Fridge Horror as well, as just before Clover reemerges, Ace pulls Lotus away because he wants to "show her something" in private. Assuming that Ace is Lotus and Junpei's killer in the Knife ending, that means that it's highly likely the Knife Ending still happens, and Ace gets out with Lotus and the 9 bracelet. The Bad Guys Win all around (at least until they reach the final Number q door and realize it was All for Nothing.)
  • The "Syringe" ending, exclusive to the iOS remake, which is a sister ending to the Axe ending. Junpei forces his way through Door 3, where he finds "Snake's" corpse. Clover takes his insistence to go through that door as a sign he killed Snake, lures him down to the D-Deck, and then injects him with the same anesthetic Ace used to knock himself out. As he starts to pass out, he realizes he's about to fall into the water. He begs for help, but Clover just smiles and says she'd never help him.
    Junpei: [staring at the now empty needle of Soporil] There... There was more?
    Clover: [Smiling] Mm-hm.
  • The "Knife" ending. Something about the exact moment the player was stabbed is terrifying. It has on more than one occasion said to make even those who had seen it before jump with shock...
  • The "Submarine" ending. You just emerge from the confinement room and the torture room, the two most suspicious rooms on the ship, and finally prepared to take a breath, you return to the lobby. There, you are met with the bodies of all the other characters, soaked in blood. Furthermore, you'd think the name implies Junpei would escape in this ending by the submarine, yet, Junpei gets stabbed in the back, in an example of a Jump Scare done right.
  • The gory, detailed descriptions of The Ninth Man and Nijisaki's mangled bodies. Thankfully, the remaster for The Nonary Games makes these descriptions mostly avoidable in Adventure mode, although they are still present in Novel mode.
    "The dark reddish-black pool of blood... The scattered pieces of flesh... Organs strewn across the floor like the blossoming of a grotesque flower... The explosion that had torn through his body had been powerful. The 9th man's neck had been twisted at an odd angle. Junpei suspected the explosion had thrown him against the wall. Half of his face was crushed, and the other half was covered in blood. Most of his abdomen had been emptied, either by explosion or by gravity. He had landed on his back, and stark white ribs jutted out of his chest like some sort of macabre crab."
  • In the "Safe" ending, When Snake lunges at Ace "like a zombie," repeating "I'll kill you." Although Snake is, of course, on your side, to see the normally calm and reserved character be broken so far from his usual demeanour in a mad, unending, determined rage is still unsettling.
  • Pressing the keyboard in the captain's quarters. It's almost seems as if Zero put the dead guy in the room to give you hope. The cameras reveal that Zero could be watching you the entire time - and you didn't know it. When you press the keys, the letters come on screen, ZERO. As if to mock you.
    • Also relating to the captain's quarters, it can be really unsettling knowing that there is a dead body in the room with you slightly below the camera so you can't see it. It doesn't help that there is a bloodstained chair in the room that exists for the sole purpose of reminding you it's there.
  • The game over theme, Quietus. The first part sounds like someone's drift into madness.
  • In the Safe Ending, Junpei and Seven make the mistake of not telling Snake that Clover had been murdered - so Ace takes great pains to explain that he murdered her, and how.
    Ace: Clover died.
    Snake: No... That's not true... That's impossible... It's a lie. It has to be a lie...
    Ace: Oh, it's quite true, I can assure you of that. I killed her myself, you see.
    Snake: WHAT!?
    Ace: I'm sorry, did I stutter? I killed her.
  • While he admittedly deserved it, Hongou's death in the Safe Ending is absolutely horrifying. He gets trapped in the incinerator as it's about to activate while spending his last moments before being burned alive having an unhinged Villainous Breakdown. Richard Epcar's performance in the Nonary Games version makes it even worse when his previously calm and composed voice becomes almost feral while screaming at the top of his lungs. And it all ends with a horrific shot of Hongou's face as he's being incinerated. *shudder*
  • Perhaps the worst thing about the game's numerous bad endings is that, as the sequels confirmed, all of them are canon. They aren't simply possibilities that young Akane witnessed; they're actual worlds where things went horribly wrong. Not that she cares too much. She just needed to find a world where things went right and to bring herself down that path.
  • Ace/Hongou in general. He's very good at appearing to be someone friendly and trustworthy, when it turns out he's actually the least trustworthy character in the game, being an extremely cruel ruthless and insane man. Not only because he has no problem murdering others, but also because he was responsible for subjecting some children to horrible experiments to find a cure for a less-than-serious condition. Even when not in his position of power, Hongou is dangerous due to his height, which gives him an advantage against other characters in case of a fight. There is also the sprite when he confesses to being the killer of Guy X, where he has a macabre smile and cold eyes, and is the only character in the entire game with such a sprite, which reinforces his status as the most evil character in the game.
