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Nightmare Fuel / LISA: The Pointless - Scholar of the Wilbur Sin

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Scholar of the Wilbur Sin is no less disturbing than the game it's a mod of or the game it's a fangame of.

  • By exploring the caves of Garbage Island, you'll find a few piles of maggots. If you crush them all, you'll be attacked by Mother Maggot, a writhing pile of corpses and trash, filled to the brim with maggots.
    Alex: I hate this island.
  • Some Jerseyheads at the top of the mountain somehow went even more insane, becoming obsessed with blood. Even the regular jerseyheads are put off by them.
  • When you enter the mines, you'll eventually be attacked by a salt creature, which seems to be one of the miners that worked on the salt caves. While it can deal some pretty devastating blows, most of it's turns are spent screaming in agony.
  • One of the jerseyhead enemies you'll find is The Guttinator, a grotesque man with a large scar in his stomach. Once his health gets low enough, another franchiser will burst out of his stomach.
  • There's a jerseyhead in a room on the second floor of the Sweet Breeze Hotel watching a damaged TV. His head bulges ominously, he babbles incoherently about "Wally meat", and the room itself seems to be made out of meat. If you return to the room after defeating Floyd, he'll be dead, his head seemingly having exploded. No explanation is ever given for any of this.
  • At the top of the mountain, just past the blood-lusted franchisers, you'll find a small cabin with a bell, which you've been told to NOT ring. If you do ring it, everyone, even the franchisers, will start freaking out, because the bell will cause Jeremy Denkins to show up.
  • Once you get the school key, you'll meet Wilbur Sin again, tending to a mysterious machine that seems to be producing the infinity jerseys and the green miasma you encounter around Downtown Olathe. His first phase plays out like his original fight, but once his health gets low enough, he'll produce 4 copies of himself, beginning one of the game's most difficult fights.
  • If you revisit the playground after defeating two of the major bosses in the mountains, you'll be able to fight Shammi, one of the most horrifying mutants in the Lisa franchise. It has an eye gouged out, most of the skin on the middle of its torso torn away, and the bones of all of his fingers except its thumb exposed. Apparently his frail body couldn't handle the transformation...
  • If you get 48 kills in Downtown Olathe, Alex will fully convert into the Infinity Franchise. The once kind old man is replaced with an uncaring monster that lays waste to everything on his path. Even after being shanked by Hugo, Alex will get back up, and crawl towards the bus stop, determined to continue his mindless murdering spree.
  • After spending some time on Downtown Olathe, you may try to head back to the desert, either out of curiosity, or to visit the Twilight Plaza again. Surprisingly, it is possible, but things aren't exactly the same. The once vibrant village is nothing but rubble and ruins, and the inhabitants are either long dead (reduced to skeletons) or so old and senile they can't recognize you (or even acknowledge you at all). The only sane person left tells you that it has been DECADES since you've visited their village, and they've been waiting for the Marauders for that whole time. It was already implied that time itself stopped working normally after the Flash, but seeing the small, friendly village reduced to nothing due to that is chilling.
