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Nightmare Fuel / Destination: Imagination

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  • World unleashes this after Mr. Herriman scolds him, causing a humongous Villainous Breakdown from World's part, which leads to the entire world (literally) falling apart as everyone runs away.
  • World in general, despite being a nice character (who's a bit unstable). Most of the time, World only switches from body to body with some instances of greater control over the toy world such as when he slams the doors shut on Frankie's room in the castle and shrinking her friends(of course that could be more from the wizard doll he was possessing at the time). It isn't until his breakdown we see for certain that he isn't just living in the toy world, he is the toy world.
  • The tone of the special was eerily dark, noticeably more so than the series, and the other made for TV movie. It was even rated PG.
  • World's, well, world, even before it turns out to have more to it than meets the eye, can come across as a bit unsettling, almost like a less sinister version of the Other World from Coraline. While it's very pretty and detailed, the "life" living in the place, such as the people and animals, all lack faces and personalities, and only serve as life-size dolls for World to puppet on a whim. The fact that World's voice sounds distant and ethereal when he speaks to Frankie, and comes from an unknown source makes it all the more creepy.
    • It's also made much creepier that all of the characters we meet in the pocket dimension all turn out to be World himself intentionally leading the gang on a wild goose chase in order to trap them and keep Frankie from leaving. It's made abundantly clear that World is truly alone in the toy box.
  • When Mr. Herriman immediately regrets scolding World when he sees the landscape break down, and Bloo is the one who tells him that he messed up, you know something is wrong.
    World: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Nonononononononono NO!!!!!!! YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!!! GIVE HER TO ME!!!! GIVE HER TO ME!!!! Now now now now now now now now NOWWWWWW!!!!!!! FRANKIE IS MINE! MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MIIINE!!!!!!!
    Mr. Herriman: (absolutely terrified) Good heavens! What's happening?!
    Bloo: You pissed him off! THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING!
  • World's One-Winged Angel form, just looking so damn wrong, becoming a hulking monstrosity made of the pieces of various toys.
