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Nightmare Fuel / Billy & Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • While on Boogey’s ship, Grim mocks Boogey by saying butterflies are scarier than him. Cut to a peaceful shot of a butterfly flying around flowers...before it transforms into a horrific butterfly-esque creature with pincers, coupled with a terrifying hissing noise. Jump Scare indeed.
  • Mandy is put into a sort of nightmare loop by Boogey for defying him. She wakes up on a beach by the River Styx and says "Wow, I just had the craziest dream..." Billy (off camera) then says, "Is it the one where you couldn't save us?" We're then treated to a FREAKY looking creature (as pictured) that has Billy, Grim, and Irwin as part of its body as it wails in a distorted voice, "Where are you, Mandy?"
    • Another nightmare Mandy has is when she's surrounded by ponies chanting in Irwin's voice "We can't do it without you, yo! We're doomed!" This nightmare is enough to make Mandy scream.
    • The third nightmare Mandy has is a cruel twist of the series’ Couch Gag, in where she’s stuck in a black void with no escape.
  • The Hole of Oddities, which turns everyone into puppets. Even Mandy is disturbed by it.
    Billy: (lifts up his shirt) Aaaaaaahhhh!!!! I'm a forearm from the waist down!
  • When Boogey seemingly gets control of Horror's Hand, the first thing he does is make Grim explode out of sheer terror.
    Billy: Mandy? This isn't fun anymore.
    Mandy: Billy, for once I completely agree with you…
