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Narm / Wish Upon

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Much of the movie qualifies as Narm, but some special moments are listed below:

  • A lot of the movie's dialogue is cringeworthy and hard to take seriously, due to not sounding like how real people talk. Special mention goes to Clare's "smegma" insult to Darcie, which degenerates into explaining the insult.
  • Jonathan still giving in to his compulsion to hoard and dumpster dive for some reason, even after Clare inherits her wealthy uncle's fortune.
  • The fact that Clare wishes that Paul would fall madly in love with her is particularly hilarious in that it's so blatantly a very stupid wish that will come back to bite her in the ass.
  • The scene where Paul takes Clare's rejection badly is difficult to take seriously due to his reaction being... to simply slit one of his wrists after he claims that he can't live without her. You'd think he would be dead from that, but he's later seen hanging out with his other girlfriend completely fine. There's also the fact that Clare's shocked gasp in response to what happens is clearly a Stock Sound Effect. This entire sequence is also never brought up again, making it come off as Padding.
  • Clare's mental breakdown toward the end is nigh-impossible to take seriously due to Joey King's hilariously over-the-top performance. The painting next to her suddenly falling is the cherry on top, and that one appears to be unscripted.
  • The genie's attempt(s) at offing Clare's dad deserve a mention as well. First the car breaks down, he nearly gets run over by speeding cars, his own car nearly crushes him when he tries to reach for the bolt, and he nearly gets his face ripped off by the escaped tire when it bounces off a car coming from the other direction. The whole thing is a Final Destination rip-off; you can practically feel the demon go "just DIE, for goodness' sake!" by the end of the sequence.
  • Claire's abrupt death at the end is clearly meant to be a dramatic scene, but due to how much air she got from getting hit by the car, it's impossible to be seen as anything other than comedic.
