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Music / Dan Balan

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Dan Balan is a Moldovan musician (born on February 6 1979). He is known for being a lead singer in O-Zone, and also having an alter-ego called Crazy Loop. The song has been famous worldwide, and Crazy Loop has also been somewhat famous on it's own.


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  • Hotter and Sexier: Considering his wholesome image at first, "Chica Bomb" and "Justify Sex" started featuring lots of sexual scenes with women. This is a drastic turn for Dan since O-Zone and his alter-ego Crazy Loop.
  • Multilingual Song: Some of his newer music is in Russian with some English words mixed into it.
  • Run or Die: In "Justify Sex" Dan is portrayed as a pervert killer going after women in a cabin in the woods.
  • Vocal Dissonance: In "Chica Bomb" Dan's voice is notably deeper than usual, even more deeper than it normally is.
    Crazy Loop 
  • Ambiguously Gay: The French fashion show has flamboyant traits and at one point uses a traffic cone to resemble him squirting out of his chest.
  • Ax-Crazy: The grandpa tries to use an axe to break down the door after the Joanna doll locks them in only to run into the wall when it gets opened.
  • Call-Back: In the album cut of "Joanna" he sings "You gotta save big love from the linden trees" which is a reference to what the English translation of Dragostea Din Tei is, which is how his own career took off.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The doll the kids were playing with turns into Crazy Loop into a life-sized form which starts the party.
  • Emo Teen: There is a big brother who has an Emo hairstyle and makeup, and he wakes up during the chaos with a guitar in his hand. In the end, he plays with and kisses the Joanna doll after everything goes back to normal.
  • Easily Forgiven: The grandparents were initially pissed at their grandchildren loudly partying, but after their party with Crazy Loop and the doll girls, they suddenly become nice and bid them back to bed as if this never happened.
  • Fashion Show: The entire plot of the music video for "Crazy Loop" takes place at a fashion show in Los Angeles.
  • Fun-Hating Confiscating Adult: The grandparents in "Joanna" throw away the kid's Crazy Loop doll and force them to go to bed.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • Downplayed, but in the video for "Crazy Loop", the French director has every right to be pissed at Crazy Loop for hijacking his fashion show. Though in this case, it was because he only wanted the approval of the VIP guest. Then his tune changes.
    • The grandparents. As seen in the making-of video of "Joanna (Shut Up)", there was a deleted scene with them saying that they need to get their rest for work in the morning. While the grandma breaking the Crazy Loop doll was going too far, their thinking is understandable.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The grandparents get locked in by Joanna for breaking one of the kid's Crazy Loop doll.
  • Lyrical Dissonance: "Joanna (Shut Up)" is about a girl that keeps harassing him and he orders her to leave his life though the song is very upbeat.
  • Slumber Party: Also in "Joanna" the whole music video is about Crazy Loop helping a house of children rebel against their grandparents.
