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Literature / Creature Teacher: The Final Exam

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The Goosebumps Most Wanted book where Mrs. Maargh runs a summer camp.

Tommy Farrelly is a loser. At least in the eyes of his family, who are obsessed with winning at all costs. Tommy doesn't care about that stuff, and isn't that strong either. To fix this, they send him to Winner Island, a camp that weeds out losers and rewards winners. He discovers the place is really harsh on anyone deemed a loser, and is told he can't trust anyone. To make things worse, it is run by Mrs. Maargh. Just like the last time, anyone who is ends up at to the bottom of her food chain will be eaten. And Tommy's chances of not ending up at the bottom are running out...

This book provides examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Tommy's parents are not physically abusive, but they do mock their son for not being as competitive as them, and send him to Winner Island to toughen him up. They actually straight out just mock each other out of competition, but since he is not as competitive as his sister and parents, he is picked on the most.
  • Canon Discontinuity: The first book seems to be ignored, with Mrs. Maargh's son not being present.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Tommy's parents put hot sauce in his bag, which he uses to defeat Mrs. Maargh.
  • Covers Always Lie: The Korean cover features an evil Santa, which has exactly nothing to do with anything.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: The protagonist of Creature Teacher is a prankster who is sent to a school because he's such a goof off while the lead of this book is a wimpy loser who is sent there for not being enough of a "winner".
  • Here We Go Again!: They get rid of Mrs. Maargh, but a new monster teacher takes her place.
  • Not Hyperbole: The camp director says that they eat losers for breakfast and Mrs. Maargh indeed literally eats losers.
  • Punny Name: Tommy and another camp get their stuff stolen by people named Rob and Steele.
  • Summer Campy: The story takes place at a summer camp where kids go to be made into winners, whether they like it or not... and their head teacher is a monster.
  • Title Drop: Partially. The final test is called The Final Exam.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: This time Mrs. Maargh is defeated by hot sauce.
