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Literature / Dr. Maniac Will See You Now

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The Goosebumps Most Wanted book where Dr. Maniac invades the real world.

Richard Dreezer is a huge comic book fan who wishes his life is was more like one. It has to be better than his current life, where he has to deal with bickering parents, an annoying little brother, and a class full of people who don't like him. One day, strange things start going down at the local comic book museum. Then comic book characters start invading the real world, and Richard sees this this stuff is far less appealing in reality. To make things worse, he soon has to tangle with a certain maniacal doctor. Will Richard be able to make it out of this alive?

This book provides examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Richard Dreezer's parents not only constantly argue, but are always belittling him right in front of him and are only nice to his annoying little brother.
  • An Arm and a Leg: At one point, Bree's leg falls off while in the comic book world. But because it's a comic book world, she can easily put it back on.
  • Butt-Monkey: Richard. He's looked down upon by his parents, annoyed by his brother, picked on by bullies, and in the end he's stuck in a world where he won't age with his brother.
  • Canon Discontinuity: Dr. Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz is basically ignored, as Dr. Maniac is now a comic book character instead of being created by Robby.
  • Cool Teacher: Mrs. Callus is well liked for being pretty and wearing rock band shirts.
  • Cruel Twist Ending: The book ends with Richard deciding to stay in the comic book world to escape his horrible life, only for it to turn out his annoying younger brother also stayed behind. And neither of them will grow older in this world.
  • Daydream Surprise: One scene early on has Richard's teacher throwing him out the window, only for it to just all be a daydream.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Richard Dreezer is called "Sneezer" due to how often he violently sneezes.
  • Multipurpose Tongue: One of the super villains is a toad monster that can grab people with its tongue.
  • New Life in Another World Bonus: Richard tries to invoke this at the end. He has superpowers in this world, so he lets the doorway to the real world close so he can escape his life. But his brother is left behind and he's stuck with him.
  • Parental Favoritism: Richard Dreezer's parents blatantly favor their younger son Ernie. This is especially shown when Ernie makes a mess during dinner and they don't care, but they yell at Richard when he drops a carrot.
  • Shout-Out: Richard goes to Hugh Jackman Middle School. Additonally, there are streets named Kirby Street and Ditko Avenue. Then we get a street called Orlando, and there a few other similar nods too.
  • Sneeze Interruption: The very first sentence of the book has Richard telling us he can't start his story yet, because he has to sneeze.
  • Title Drop: At one point they visit a doctor's office, run by Dr. Maniac. His secretary tells them that Dr. Maniac will see you now.
