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Kick The Morality Pet / Video Games

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Times where someone Kicks the Morality Pet in Video Games.

  • In Ensemble Stars!, Souma serves as a Morality Pet for Keito - while he's typically a pretty harsh and strict person, he's genuinely affectionate towards his innocent and undyingly devoted junior, and it's established that in the backstory it was Souma's kindness that transformed Keito and Akatsuki in general from villains into basically good people. However, the later event Ryuusei Bonfire shows that this wasn't a smooth process for Souma - when he found out they were hurting Kanata (his club leader, friend, and God) and was understandably angry and upset, Keito became enraged and yelled at him for disobeying, calling him useless and expelling him from the unit, leaving Souma in tears. This revelation wasn't well-received by some in the fandom who argued that this was far too cruel without any possible justification and left Keito permanently unsympathetic.
  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia has Prince Berkut sacrificing his girlfriend Rinea, aka THE person he cares for, to Duma as a part of a Deal with the Devil after Alm beats his pride into the mud and he learns that he was never going to inherit the Rigelian throne.
  • Done accidentally by Ghost Trick's Big Bad. Yomiel tried to manipulate Lynne into shooting him, but she resisted and missed her first shot. This shot strikes Yomiel's cat carrier, killing his literal Morality Pet Sissel. While it ends up working out for everyone involved, since Sissel is the game's protagonist, Yomiel regretted it and admits that if he could Time Travel like Sissel can, he would've saved his life.
  • Experienced at least twice by Kratos in the God of War series, when he murdered his wife and child prior to the start of the series, and when he kills Athena while fighting Zeus at the climax of God of War II.
  • A necessary part of a Dark Side run in Knights of the Old Republic: Mission is a loyal party member from almost the beginning of the game, a teenaged girl who is a Utility Party Member, has a higher alignment score than the 'party's Jedi and has absolutely no chance against your Player Character. She is the first to stick up for the Player Character after The Reveal hits and truly believes that you aren't too far gone to hurt her. But if you really want to be a Sith, you kill her yourself. Or, if you want to be a total dick and cross that Moral Event Horizon at record speed, order her best friend to carry it out.
  • In Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, this trope is invoked in the final duel of the game. As Mara Jade, you must holster your lightsaber and stop attacking Kyle in order to force him to have to kill you unarmed if he wants to reach his goal, thus snapping him out of it.
  • Persona 5: During dinner, Makoto Niijima innocently mentions to her sister/legal guardian Sae that she believes their late father would have supported the Phantom Thieves. Sae already has a low opinion of their father and his ideals, especially since said ideas got him killed in the line of duty and left her to struggle with raising Makoto alone, and this promptly causes her to snap and verbally tear her younger sister a new one, going so far as to tell Makoto to her face that she considers her a useless burden, made even worse by the fact that Makoto does everything she possibly can to please Sae and lessen her burden. Sae instantly regrets saying it, but the damage is done.
  • Rise of the Third Power: Prince Gage initially gets along well with his fiancée, Princess Arielle, but when he ambushes the party at Telindra, he orders his soldiers to execute the party and restrain Arielle despite her insistence on staying with the party. While he seems to be doing this because he believes the party is lying to Arielle, it shows that the trust between the two is not as strong as it first appeared. Once Arielle shoots him with a cannon to get her point across, he has his soldiers spare the party and leave Arielle to her devices, indicating that he realizes he went too far. That said, this event causes Arielle to fall out of love with Gage, since it shows that he prioritizes his country's interests over her own intentions. Though later, he chooses to defy Arkadya by saving Arielle from the assassin, Sparrow.
  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World: In the "bad" ending, Emil fakes his Superpowered Evil Side like he does on the other endings, but this time goes too far in his fight with Lloyd and Marta, and wins the fight, killing Marta. Raine rushes over to heal Marta. Emil promptly admits it was all an act, and in an act to redeem himself, he kills himself. Oops.
