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Just For Fun / Persona 3 ERROR

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WARNING: Due to the presence of many a Late-Arrival Spoiler, all spoilers will be unmarked.

These peculiar events are... not entirely what was intended to come about. Are you willing to entertain this other possibility, my dear guest?

Persona 3 ERROR is a Game Mod for Persona 3 FES created by an anonymous modder. While on one hand, it acts as a gameplay overhaul to FES, introducing several gameplay improvements from Persona 3 Portable (with the exception of the female protagonist), on the other hand, it also doubles as a crossover with hololive ERROR with many a slightly altered event due to the inclusion of new characters.

The game follows the game's original protagonist (Canon Name: Makoto Yuki) as he goes about the original events of the story: awakening his Persona, going through the Dark Hour to save Tatsumi Port Island and Iwatodai, so on and so forth. However, a few days after his awakening, a group of students from another school comes to visit - specifically, an all-girls high school in the faraway town of Aogami. After this event, and the introduction of Shino Misora into SEES, things rapidly begin to shift around...

Later on, the mod's creator released a follow-up mod for Persona 4: Arena Ultimax called ERROR Edition, which adds new characters, Instant Kills for Sho and the Shadow-Type characters, and two new story modes centered around the altered SEES (or, rather, Shadow Operatives) of this timeline, in the form of Episode ERROR and Episode ERROR-A. For reasons that should be obvious, it is recommended to play Episode ERROR-A first.

Tropes appearing in the mods:

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    Persona 3 ERROR 
  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade: Ken in the original Persona 3 was quite a jerk due to wanting to avenge his mother by killing Shinjiro, and goes through a period of even more angst after Shinjiro sacrifices himself to save him. In this mod, Shino (or rather, one of her other selves) coming in to comfort him prevents most of the latter.
  • Adaptational Badass: Shino, Nanase, and Akane are all shown to possess the potential to wield a Persona, with Shino in particular displaying absurd levels of potential for a non-Wild Card.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: There are several points where the POV changes from the protagonist to someone else. Most notable is the scene in which one of Shino's other selves comforts Ken after Shinjiro's death, and before that, a sequence in which you play as Strega after Shino's other side manifests in a fight against them.
  • An Ice Person/Playing with Fire: Nanase's Persona employs both fire and ice skills.
  • Arch-Enemy: Shino manages to make one out of Nyx. The fact that she somehow defied death after it was supposed to have already taken her left her as one of the few individuals that Nyx actively hates.
  • Blow You Away: Shino's Persona focuses on wind-based skills.
  • Cosmic Motifs: Taking after her actress, Nanase has an overarching comet motif.
  • The Dreaded: Shino eventually becomes this due to her situation, but especially after she gains Shinomiya since it brings her very close to the protagonist's level of power. In The Answer, Shino takes on both Akane and Nanase in order to decide who gets the final key, and she is able to hold her own and defeat them both despite not being a Wild Card. Even Shadow Labrys is intimidated by her power, and is scared shitless when she defeats Shadow Labrys by herself. For context, in the Persona 4: Arena manga, it took both Yosuke and Aigis to knock her out. And similarly, in Ultimax ERROR Edition, she, just like Labrys, takes out Hi-no Kagutsuchi by herself, where Yu and Adachi had to team up with Izanagi and Magatsu-Izanagi to even defeat him.
  • The Gadfly: During her Social Link, Nanase often plays up being a Yandere to try and get a reaction out of the protagonist. This, of course, doesn't work out most of the time due to him being The Stoic.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Or, rather, to be treated normally. Even after Shino's awakening to the extremely powerful Shinomiya, dialogue in The Answer reveals that she feels uncomfortable being put on a pedestal when the Wild Cards are right there and are way more special than she could ever be. This is a reference to her actress' own Lonely at the Top issues.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Seeing as this mod takes place after the animated manga's final chapter, there's a lot of spoilers to the original events of hololive ERROR.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Shino quickly becomes this to Strega and more of an Outside Context Ally to SEES. Occasional displays of powers seemingly not based in her Persona, the possession of more than one Shadow Self, those Shadows coming to the forefront as a case of Split Personality, and eventually her access to a third-stage Persona during the fight against the Nyx Avatar all make her a rather odd existence amongst Persona users. Her situation is so odd, it even catches the eyes of the Velvet Room.
  • Shock and Awe: Akane's Persona has access to electric skills, though they are mostly secondary to its array of physical attacks of both the slash and strike variety.
  • Shout-Out: Shino's ultimate Persona being based on Sakura Shinomiya and bearing her (last) name is actually a callback to Persona, which also has a character who's ultimate Persona is based on an influential person from their life rather than a mythological or historical figure.
  • You Bastard!: Unlike in the original game, there’s an additional Valentine’s Day event, and the protagonist can be subject to the consequences of a Harem Seeker here. Not only that, all the girls you cheated on will execute you, especially Yukari, Mitsuru, Aigis, Nanase and Akane, leaving you with the Fear Status and rendering you unable to go to Tartarus for a few days. Shino is the only one not to participate in the No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, breaking down in tears outside the dorm instead, and her Social Link will act as if it’s reversed/broken during that time.

    Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: ERROR Edition 
  • Adaptational Badass: Mostly from a gameplay standpoint in terms of the Shadow-Type characters (and thus the Doppelgänger Shadows) and Sho. They can actually use Instant Kills now, theirs only possible to use while in Shadow Frenzy (atleast for the Shadow-Types, Sho's works like the ones in the base game).
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Akane's playstyle generally focuses on getting up close and continuously bashing into the enemy alongside Lycaon.
  • Audience Surrogate: Nanase tends to ask certain questions in both Episode ERROR and Episode ERROR-A that would likely come from the mind of a player. Such questions include why exactly Akihiko ditched school to train more even after his Character Development and why Shadow Labrys fought so much like a Persona user.
  • Bag of Spilling: While Shino and Nanase both retain their ultimate Personas, Akane's ended up degrading back to Lycaon. Unlike with the P4 cast, this is entirely explained with her not having been near-constantly sparring with other Persona users like Shino and Nanase have against each other (mostly due to Nanase's insistence on such activities).
  • Big Bad Ensemble: As usual, Sho Minazuki and the Malevolent Entity are the main antagonistic forces in Episode ERROR, assisted by their Doppelgänger Shadows. However, they also created such for the hololive ERROR characters involved, with Doppelgänger Shino becoming somewhat independent.
  • Lemony Narrator: Because of course.
    • Shino is "Aogami's Guardian Angel".
    • Nanase is "The Azure Ax-Crazy Trailblazer".
    • Akane is "The Overprotective Hellhound Girlfriend".
  • Lotus-Eater Machine: Doppelgänger Shino's ultimate goal. She wishes to use the power of Hi-no-Kagutsuchi and the Persona Fragments to place everyone in the world into their own versions of Shino's "perfect world", thus bringing forth absolute peace and granting everyone's desires simultaneously without things getting paradoxical.
  • Warrior Therapist: Once Shino reaches Sho, she rather quickly figures out that Sho can only understand and form bonds with people by fighting them. Thus, she comes up with a plan so insane, it just might work: fight with Sho until he understands her.
