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Hypocrite / Desperate Housewives

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Hypocrisy happens a hell of a lot in Desperate Housewives, with the titular wives doing some pretty underhanded or morally questionable things they get outraged at other people for.

  • Susan:
    • Susan is a chronic offender - for example, she constantly freaks out whenever her daughter starts dating a boy, but Susan has dated several men at the same time, cheated on Mike when he was in a coma, kissed Mike when she was about to marry Ian, slept with a handsome Doctor Ron after remarrying Karl for life-insurance purposes but still has feelings for Mike, etc. She also constantly discusses her sex life with her teenage daughter.
    • She also gets upset when Lynette demands she vote for her as president of the homeowners association over Katherine and tells her friends shouldn't put each other in that position. Pretty rich considering she demanded Gaby to go on a date with her Stalker with a Crush to pay for Mike's bail, with no thought to what might happen to Gaby. She also did the exact same thing to Julie when she heard Edie was going to play the guitar at Julie's music recital and guilted Julie into letting Susan play onstage with her instead, even though Susan doesn't play a musical instrument.
    • She's outraged when Edie Britt burns down her house, but when she confronts her about it, Edie retorts that Susan did exactly the same thing to her back in Season One (granted it was by accident, but Susan didn't fess up until months later, and Susan had technically broken into her house and knocked over a candle that caused said fire.)
    • She frequently engages in Slut-Shaming with Edie and accuses her of throwing herself at every man she meets - Susan is in no position to talk, given how many men she's dated over the course of the series and she even cheated on Mike while he was in a coma.
    • She is horrified when Julie is dating her ex-college professor, who has been divorced three times, but he points out that Susan herself has been divorced twice. She retorts that two is still a smaller number than three.
  • Bree:
    • Bree is appalled when she first discovers Andrew is gay and tells him he won't go to heaven. Kind of rich coming from the woman who helped Andrew cover up the fact that he ran over Juanita Solis.
    • In Season 4, Bree is shocked when Orson confesses that he was the one who ran over Mike and put him in a six-month coma, saying she can't forgive him. Again, she was fine covering up her son doing the exact same thing, only even worse because Juanita actually died shortly after that, and Mike recovered.
    • During an argument with Lynette when Bree spanked Porter, Bree apologizes, but then backhandedly remarks that Lynette's children run wild and a little physical discipline would do them some good. Lynette promptly counters by snarkily pointing out that Bree didn't exactly do such a stellar job with her kids.
  • Lynette:
    • Lynette frequently goes behind Tom's back to make decisions at work without his input, but utterly freaks out whenever Tom wants to do anything on his own. This power struggle is often the root cause of nearly all their arguments during the series.
    • She's offended and outraged when Tom is suspicious that she's been cheating on him with Rick. Though Lynette was innocent, she's jumped to the conclusion that Tom's cheating on her several times before, once even taking the kids and leaving to stay in a motel without telling him or bothering to try and get his side.
  • Gaby:
    • Gaby cheats on Carlos in Season One with John but is outraged when he cheats on her with Su Yin. (Though granted, she was mostly angry because Carlos didn't have a meaningless fling, he picked the woman carrying their surrogate child.)
    • Gaby also engages in Slut-Shaming with Edie when she starts dating Carlos, even though Gaby and Carlos just got divorced and Gaby was the one who cheated on him.
