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Heartwarming / Schaffrillas Productions

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  • His 100k Sub Special is pretty much just giving attention to various channels on YouTube he enjoys and thinks deserves more attention.
  • His recap of the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the eve of the release of Avengers: Endgame has him voice the opinion of an entire generation of fans and moviegoers - that Captain America is his Luke Skywalker and Thanos is his Darth Vader - and can offer no higher praise than that.
  • The entirety of "Why Shrek Forever After is an Underrated Gem", making a valid case for why what's generally considered a Contested Sequel is actually a well-meaning and crafted conclusion to the Shrek franchise.
  • The end of his Arthur YTP collab in 2022 takes a more sincere, heartfelt tone at the very end, using Chance the Rapper's cover of the theme song over the final scene of the show's Grand Finale as a warm send-off. The day the Grand Finale aired, James even tweeted that just this once, Arthur could have lunch in this town again.
  • In his ranking of every Disney movie, he made it clear that he had no problem with people having different opinions than him about his choices for the bottom spots, and stated he would give well-made videos politely counterpointing his statements a boost on his channel's community page. And he stayed true to his word, giving smaller channels discussing his choices a fair chance to shine.
  • At the end of his rant about the Live-Action Moana remake, he takes a moment to say that, while he thinks The Little Mermaid (2023) is also pointless and has no intention of watching it, he says that he hopes Halle Bailey profits off it and that she can do more films that aren't beneath her.
  • In his Mario Kart DS course ranking, while he ranks "Figure-8 Circuit" near the bottom of the list, he recounts his late brother Patrick's ironic enjoyment of the course despite not playing it and James honorably ranks it at the top of his first courses ranking as a result.
  • His review of Whisper of the Heart review is by James' own admission the most personal video he ever made. James talks about how the film reassured him that despite his doubts, that making art was worth it. He then extends the reassurance to artists in his audience, telling them that "the world will be a better place with your story in it." It's absolutely wonderful to hear.
  • His Mockbusters review of What's Up? Balloon to the Rescue!, which was the last of the series he started with his late best friend Chris, was released on what would have been Chris' 26th birthday. At the end of the review, he thanks the audience for watching the series and wishes Chris a happy birthday.
  • Rather than having a YouTuber review Athens Dash like the other Item Box segments in his Mario Kart 8 course ranking, James instead decides to have his Greek grandmother review it. The entire segment is as awkwardly wholesome as it sounds.
