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Funny / Schaffrillas Productions

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As a Funny Moments page, all spoilers are unmarked as per wiki policy. You Have Been Warned!

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    Reviews/Analysis Videos 

    BoJack Horseman Retrospective 
  • The “Yummo” cut of the analysis series, which includes discussion of the Christmas Special and theme song, also has any mention of Vance Waggoner dubbed over with Schaff yelling Yummo Wickersham, no matter how out-of-place it is, including when William talks.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

  • When an image of Schaff writing the script was posted on Discord, people didn't notice it was a BoJack Video not because of the Doc's title being "BoJack Video," but because of Felicity Huffman being in the script.
Part 5:

Part 6:
