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Headscratchers / Mega Man X: Command Mission

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  • Marino is allegedly a potential former fashion model Reploid, who turned to becoming something of a Just Like Robin Hood thief stealing from "suits" that apparently wronged her in the past. X and crew welcome her perfectly fine because she's an immediate ally in the current battle, despite the fact that by all definitions of the series she'd be a Maverick for essentially going against the law in any form or fashion. While obviously everyone is sentient and able to make their own judgment calls, is X just able to hold back on potential Maverick calls for the sake of getting the job done?
    • Unlike every other Maverick, which have either attempted murder or war crimes on their heads, Marino, as far as we can tell, is only guilty of petty crimes. So it's not that surprising that she got off lightly. Besides, the fact Marino was Easily Forgiven is not without precedent: Zero was forgiven for his actions as a Maverick because he was out of his mind, and Axl, while he was associated with a group of vigilantes, was just a small-time crook.
